View Full Version : The first step

17-07-09, 20:16
I have sufffered with depression,anxiety and panic attacks for the last 20 years on and off. I thiunk they started when i lost my daughter at 2 days old when i was just 17. I have been on citalopram for just over 2 years and they were a godsend until i started to drink more and more. It's my own fault but my self control seems to have deserted me. Anyway i thought it was time for me to find a place with like minded people as depression can be a very lonely feeling. I also dont like to talk to my family because they all think i'm the strong one and it's getting harder to keep up the act. Also having 5 daughters at home doesn't make it any easier to get peaceful time to chill out :D. Thats bit for now as i dont to be writing a 4 page essay on my first post.

bye for now :) x

17-07-09, 20:56
hi libby - just joined here myself as have finally admitted to myself that i need help ! Your story touched a chord with me. My family thinks i am the strong dependable one too ! Little do they know how terribly low and anxious i get esp round the PMT time. I have just started on Fluoxitine 20mg which is starting to kick in. I agree how isolating and lonely depression can make you feel - feels like the rest of the world is smiling and you just want to howl doesn't it? YOU ARE NOT ALONE - pray we all get peace of mind soon x

19-07-09, 10:09
Hi Libby, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter.

Best wishes xx :hugs: