View Full Version : I'm new ! Hi everyone!

17-07-09, 20:47
hello folks. I have visited this site over the last few days and found it such a help i thought i would join, I am married with 3 teenage boys. My problem is the monthly battle i have with terrible PMT which lasts 3 weeks out of 4. I get terribly irritable. short tempered, tearful, high stress and anxiety, paranoid, very low/depressed type mood and so the list goes on. Was so bad last month that realized i just couldn't carry on like this (my poor husband!) My GP has started me on Fluoxitine 20mg daily and i am on day 7. I felt like my brain was shrinking for the first 3 days and felt exhausted but am now feeling must calmer and less stressed. Next 2 weeks will be the resl test tho as i enter the dreaded PMT stage - desperately hope i don't grow 2 heads this month!! Anyone else on similar treatment for this? Has it helped? My best wishes to everyone x:winks:

17-07-09, 22:38
Hello Wilfie

Just to welcome you to this site. Only joined a month ago myself but have found it to be very supportive. Alot of our problems can only be understood by people who experience similar. :welcome:

19-07-09, 10:06
Hi Wilfie, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers: