View Full Version : why do i feel different

19-09-05, 22:31
I pretty much have got over my panic attacks but I have been having relly bad derealization. When I feel like this it makes me panic, this feeling usually lasts for like a month straight. When i feel like this I cant hardly move or get out of bed cause I feel so terrible inside. I feel like I have cancer or somthing. I also have been having these experinces where I feel like I forget where Im at and I feel relly numb all over. when is this going to let up cause It seems to be getting worse.

20-09-05, 00:56
When something makes us feel different, it does tend to compound and snowball in a hurry for me, anyway, as anxiety. You know what statement on this site just really turned a light on for me yesterday as I read the site moderator's informational articles off the home page on anxiety/panic/etc.....one which FITS me to a T and can really affect how I might spiral into a panic attack? That we might tend to "catatrophize" things...even subconsciously. I know how gripping that feeling must be for you....but today in class, I started having my swallowing thing...."You are escalating right to a ten. You will not choke. You slept the night last night swallowing just fine. You woke up this morning. I will not allow my subconscious to kick into panic attack about this...." I then went on to try the "distraction" techniques outlined here....i.e., I got the kiddies to work on their assignments, and went about entering some grades onto the computer at my desk.....Soon...and it took a while..and I had to almost force myself to distract my thoughts...swallowing was coming easier and easier. I realized i was escalating to a 10 as the swallowing changed when I needed only to stay at a 1, and repeat the above over and over and over...reassuring that I would not choke, etc.....
It worked.
Might that work a bit for you? I do hope you feel much better soon!
Have you had any med changes of late?
Even if they change my thyroid meds just a tiny bit, I can feel quite odd and nervous over time....Just a thought?
Take good care! T

20-09-05, 01:33
PS:::::: How is your breathing right now? Hypervent. can really cause those symptoms....the reason i say this is because a couple months ago, a poor lady had a car accident in front of my house. When we ran out to her, she was crying, said she felt "out of body....pins and needles all over..." I was afraid for her, fearing head trauma, or some such thing.....The paramedics arrived on scene shortly...ck. her over thoroughly and i thought were non-challant (sp?)
Turns out they stayed behind and chatted a bit with us after she went in the ambulance..."You guys did not seem to shaken like I was," I said...
Their words enlightened me.....They told me they had done some pulse/oxymetry tests/ blood gas/02 exchange measurements by finger osymetry....showed distinct signs of hypervent.
Can cause "extreme" feelings of depersonalization, numbness, vomiting, fainting, etc....they said..........common......
Have you tried breathing exercises....(too much deep breathing might make you feel worse right now, though...perhaps hand on lower belly could show you if you are chest breathing or deeply breathing...chest breathing (shallow) causes me to feel xactly that wierd way....
Hope this helps,