View Full Version : Brain tumor or what?

18-07-09, 06:38
Symptoms: I have this weird cold feeling in my head in different areas that comes and goes. Along with this, I also have these spots in my vision which are either dark or some that look like tiny flashes of light that i see that come and go. I get funky headaches sometimes too. I feel like my ears are clogged too on one side. I have wisdom teeth coming in as well so that might be creating some symptoms.

So i pretty much freak out every day lately worrying over a tumor, the above being my symptoms. Seems ridiculous to everyone around me, but i really do feel like i have a problem. I can't keep going to the doctors for no reason if this is just anxiety. I can give you a reasonable explanation for the above symptoms but the combination of all of them is freaking me out. Someone please help me! Does the combination of my symptoms sound serious?

18-07-09, 08:47
Hiya Green

Wisdom teeth can play havoc with your head. I suffered with dodgy wisdom teeth for a few years until I had them out. I used to get headaches, blocked sinusus and all kinds of weird, funny feelings.

It doesn't sound serious to me, but to lift your fears have you had a checkup by your doctor?

A little reassurance from a professional might be what you need to put this fear to bed.

Good Luck


18-07-09, 16:50
hm, no explanation but i get the same thing. the flashes of light and cold sensation, usually on one side. i am a migraine sufferer so i've attributed it to that. i don't get typical migraines. mine are just on and off annoying weird headaches, but i've been to the neurologist about them. you could be dealing with the same thing - see the doc to put your mind at ease.

19-07-09, 00:07
thanks for the replies, guys. i appreciate it. i'm trying to attribute every little pain in my head to wisdom teeth so i guess that's somewhat logical? i don't think it's migraines, though.. but i could be wrong. a check up with the doctor is probably what i need although that idea scares me. lol

19-07-09, 02:04
i'm back again.. still worrying D:
What are the main symptoms of a brain tumor?

and also, if I had one, would I know it?

19-07-09, 03:53
I have the weird cold feeling!! I've just started getting it recently, I don't know what it is though, I'm afraid. Do you get it anywhere else? I get it in my neck and back sometimes too.

I also have wisdom teeth coming through though. My bottom 2 are ALMOST completely through but my top 2 are I'd say half way..

I know the flashing light thing can be anxiety though, I read about it somewhere on here.. And then I realized it only happens when I think about it or when I'm anxious.

I don't really know many brain tumor symptoms, and I'm not googling or I'll think I have one, lol.. But I do know when my aunt had one, she was getting terrible headaches and she was sick everytime she got one and then she started having convulsions and that's when she was diagnosed - She's fine now. That was a few years ago.

I can honestly say it's not a brain tumor, Yeah you would know something wasn't right. And I mean REALLY not right, not just like we tell ourselves when we get anxious or panicky.

If you need someone to talk to if you're still worried I'll probably be about :) xx

19-07-09, 04:02

my dad had a brain tumour and he had no symtoms until he took a siezure, like emaa i aint gonna google it either to paranoid for that lol but i don't think it's that, you have a genuine symptom of anxiety and thats about it,

19-07-09, 04:35
A million thanks to you both :) yeah i know what you mean by not googling it - that's what i'm trying not to do, too! it's fuel to the fire in my mind =/

I was just at a theme park the other day.. going on some crazily extreme rides. That would've effected me big time, right? Like if there was a problem with my head, the forces on those rides would've initiated something?

Emaa, the fact that we both have our wisdom teeth coming in might be the reason for that strange cold sensation? I feel it in other places too sometimes but not as much as in my head. I do know that wisdom teeth sometimes hit nerves which could be sparking this feeling.

19-07-09, 09:38
back again, but this time it's 4:40am where i'm at and I just randomly woke up. my whole body feels tense, breathing's off, and i just dont feel right. my vision feels weird too.

what do you guys do to relieve this anxiety and how do i stop myself from waking up all the time??