View Full Version : Citalopram - been advised not to continue taking

Thunderbird 4
18-07-09, 10:00
Hi all,
After at least two years of taking Citalopram, for anxiety symptoms I have been advised by two indipendant sources (one mental health team and a phsyciatrist) to start to withdraw from the medication due to the continued side effects.

Two years I have felt like crap, every morning waking up feeling tired, sick, no energy, legs dont work, asleep at the drop of a hat and anxiety like you wouldn't believe.

Doctor put this down to anxiety, however I felt recently that 'enough was enough' and a second opinion was sourced. I paid to go private to the phsyciatrist as the NHS would not refer me, as in the doctors words ' you are not barking mad, so they won't see you'.

Anyway, started to reduce the dose on Monday this week.......and guess what.....I am starting to feel normal again..!!! No sickness feeling, more energy, motivation to do things...the list could go on. Just a bit annoyed that two years of my life has been effected in this way, by a medication that is supposed to help?????

Phsyciastrist explained that he is not happy prescribing Citalopam for Anxiety due the side effects, which include increased adjitation. This only compounds the problem and diminishes the confidence in the person taking the medication. However it is useful for depression.

Medication side effects hit people in different ways, and they don't suit everyone. I trusted my GP, and was doubting myself, but we all know our own bodies and there was too much of link for me, between starting the med and feeling even more poorley.

People will go on about riding the side effects, which I did to start with as they knocked me off my legs and put me in bed for about a week. But the effects go on for some considerable time, be persistant with you GP and ask for a review, or second opinion. The trouble is, the side effects mimmic those of extreme anxiety, so your GP will assume its you....not the medication bringing on the symptoms?

If you are taking Citalopram...keep taking until you get your GP's opinion don't what ever you do just stop...!!!! My experience of the med may be a one off, so I am no expert...I am just sharing my thoughts.
