View Full Version : worried about my health/heart always!!!

18-07-09, 12:29
i am new to this site, only joined yesterday after looking at it a lot over the last few weeks.
I have always been a worrier but over the last 3 months it has become ridiculous! It all began one night when I woke at 2am with a pounding heart, dizziness, and a bright red face - I was convinced I was dying! I rang 999 and was rushed to A&E. After numerous tests and investigations I was told it was probably a panic attack. Since then my health has taken over my thoughts, its all i can think about! Ive had a heart scan which was ok. The other night the same thing happened and i was taken to A&E again.
I am currently taking propanolol and the Doctor has suggested anti - depressents which I dont want to take until I've tried more natural methods.
A 24 hour monitor is being arranged just to check for underlying problems. I just want to enjoy my life and get back to normal -instead of checking my heart rate and worrying its too fast or too slow and to go shopping without worrying im gonna faint or pass out or worse in front of the whole world!!!

Can anyone suggest a good self help book or similar or more natural remedies as oppose to anti depressents? xx

18-07-09, 12:47
Hello, Kafe

As you'll see, as you read through this forum, a lot of people, including me, have been helped by Claire Weekes' books.

And you'll get lots of support and advice from this site, it's excellent

Take care

18-07-09, 18:31

What you are describing are classic symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. The fact that you have been checked over and given the Ok is the positive thought you should be holding on to.

Look down the menu on the left side of the website there is lots of valuable information to help you.

You'll be fine.