View Full Version : Gosport - Saturday 25th July - 2pm

18-05-09, 16:48
Hi All:D

Having had some good meet ups before I wondered if anyone fancied another one as the weather is warming up:shrug:

Ive noticed there are lots of newbies here now and it would be lovely to meet new friends and catch up with the "oldies" too:shades:

Its just an idea at the moment but if anyone thinks they may be up for it(not cast in stone of course) then could you let me have your ideas, dates, ideas for venues etc:yesyes:

Past meet ups are on the gallery....take a look:D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

28-05-09, 09:55
Hi ya Kazzie! Yes think that is a good idea for a meet up so you can count me in. I live in Gosport by the way. Sorry am in a bit of a rush so will get
back to you with any ideas I can think of.

28-05-09, 18:41
Hi i suppose i don't mind where we go as long it is accessible for public transport as i don't drive. If this meet is to go ahead then I am busy on the saturdays in june now but i can do any saturday in July at the moment.

28-05-09, 19:44

That's a good idea, I'm near Portsmouth. It would be nice to meet other people experiencing similar things to me

29-05-09, 23:28
me too kazzie
afraid i still work every other week end
and im not on here as much as i used to but i would be interested

30-05-09, 00:55
hi yes would love to meet some of the people i chat and that help me to i live near portsmouth to xxx

03-06-09, 22:30
Hi All:D

Having had some good meet ups before I wondered if anyone fancied another one as the weather is warming up:shrug:

Ive noticed there are lots of newbies here now and it would be lovely to meet new friends and catch up with the "oldies" too:shades:

Its just an idea at the moment but if anyone thinks they may be up for it(not cast in stone of course) then could you let me have your ideas, dates, ideas for venues etc:yesyes:

Past meet ups are on the gallery....take a look:D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

You just try to stop me hun! Heh, if only it were that easy.

Now the good weather is here, as long as it lasts, we have even better reason to get together for a nice relaxing meetup.

Hey Rach, as you work alternate weekends, how about throwing us a couple of dates for the next month so we have something to work on?

Looking forward to meeting new people and it's good to have you back with us Kaz.:bighug1:

07-06-09, 10:43
Hi Guys:D

Thanks Gary:hugs:

Ok so a Saturday in July seems to be popular:D

Seems we should meet in the Portsmouth/Gosport area as most are from there.

Rach let us know when you are off work:yesyes:

Right any suggestions for a venue/date?????

Luv Kaz x

07-06-09, 18:52
I would say the alverbank in gosport as hopefully it will be nice weather then. I can make the 4th, 11th or 25th July. But if you are looking for somewhere a bit more central then The Vanguard in fareham is a nice place to meet up as you can sit outside there as well!

08-06-09, 23:08
hmmm dates...july is our holiday time at work so our shifts are different but as soon as i know i will shout as would really like to make it... at mo should be off 11th and 25th...if for some reason im on i will try to sort something and just go in late

10-06-09, 21:48
Hi All:D

Sandy I think the Alverbank is a good idea......plenty of space etc ticks all the boxes really:yesyes:

As Rach can make 25th July why dont we aim for then??

Say about 2pm???

I can sort anyone out with local lifts if that helps???

Looking forward to it already:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-06-09, 08:07
yes ok for the 25th July at 2pm all being well! I will write that in my diary and I look forward to it!

11-06-09, 18:16
ok written on my calender :D
lookin forward to it

13-06-09, 01:05

I have just joined the forum and I am from Southampton.

Would I be welcome at your gathering?



13-06-09, 11:01
Hi Coolants 2009! Of course you will be welcome at the meet as this will be my first no more panic meet as well. I am from Gosport just up the road from you.

16-06-09, 16:41
i am definately off on the 25th ....cant wait ...

16-06-09, 17:02
Hi Guys not sure if Ill be coming,got family coming over July but not sure on the dates for that yet.

I may just pop in on the day.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

30-06-09, 11:31
That sounds cool Ellen:yesyes:

Anthony of course you are welcome, everyone is welcome:hugs:

Sorry I went quiet again but been back in hospital:wacko:

Right so thats a definate then for 25th July at 2pm at the Alverbank

If anyone wants a lift or my mobile number then shout

Cant wait now:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x

Can someone bring a camera please????

30-06-09, 14:10
I will bring my digital camera just hope i remember it on the day!

07-07-09, 10:29
Cheers Sandy:hugs:

Not long to go now.......

By the way I suggest we meet in the garden like last time, I will be wearing my no more panic t shirt!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:D

12-07-09, 00:22
Kaz is having problems with her computer at the moment, and unable to get online. She's asked me to apologise to anyone who has sent her a message, and not yet had a reply. She doesn't wish for anyone to think she's being ignorant or rude.

Wait until you meet her, then decide. :D

In the meantime, if you wish to claify any details of the meetup or require Kaz's mobile number to arrange a lift on the day, you're welcome to contact me.

I shall locate all the details from our last time at the Alverbank, photo links and directions etc, and update this post shortly.

Location: Alverbank Hotel pub garden (finger's crossed for sun)
Date: Saturday 25th July 2009
Time: 2pm

Alverbank Hotel (http://www.alverbankhotel.co.uk/)

12-07-09, 10:46
cant wait :yesyes:
see you there

18-07-09, 17:21
Everyone set for next Saturday then?

Location: Alverbank Hotel (http://www.alverbankhotel.co.uk/)
Date: Saturday 25th July 2009
Time: 2pm

There's no need to arrange beforehand or book ahead! Just turn up on the day. Everyone is welcome, even if you've never posted here.

For those who've not been to the Alverbank, here's a photo of their very quiet and spacious garden, where the meet is taking place.


NMP members can view the full gallery from the last two meetups by clicking on the Gallery link at the top of the page. I'll dig out some more to post here during the week.

18-07-09, 20:57
Cheers for holding the fort Gary:hugs:

Right Im back on line on my nippers laptop and my internet broadband.....my laptop is at Garys hospital:D

Thanks Gary for all your help today:hugs:

I hope everyone is still on for next Saturday....Im sure it will be fun and it will be nice to meet new people and old mates too:yesyes:

If anyone needs a lift or just wants a chat so they dont feel they are meeting strangers then pm me:D

Cant wait now!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

18-07-09, 22:24
Thanks Kazzie and Gary for keeping me informed. Hope your laptop is working soon Kazzie. Look forward to meeting you all next saturday as this will be my first no more panic meet.

18-07-09, 22:56
Looking forward to meeting you Sandy:hugs:

Meet ups are great fun and not scarey at all:yesyes:

See ya soon

Kaz x x x:)

18-07-09, 23:13
hi kaz
just got your number from gary will text you sat but am definately coming ...bit if a drive for me but it will be worth it ...
looking forward to seeing you again

21-07-09, 11:56
If you need to plan your journey, here's some extra information.

Link to Alverbank via GoogleMaps (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=PO12+2QT&ie=UTF8&ll=50.785983,-1.161375&spn=0.006783,0.013797&z=16&iwloc=A)
Link to Alverbank via MultiMap (http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?X=459000&Y=99000&scale=10000&coordsys=gb)

The full address for the Alverbank is:

Alverbank Country House Hotel
Stokes Bay Road,
PO12 2QT


23-07-09, 15:40
Hi Everybody Not Long Now Cant Wait To See You All On Saturday



23-07-09, 21:56
2 days to go! Im looking forward to meeting you all!!!!! x

23-07-09, 22:07
Oh damn would love to have met u all! A bit far for us northerners!:doh:
Give my love to Guzz spent many a fair night down there in my navy days!
Have a good night all:yesyes:

24-07-09, 00:16
Thanks paul. I actually live in Gosport and my partner used to be in the navy x

24-07-09, 20:53
Cheers Paul:D

Will be lovely to meet you Sandy and nice to see you again Rach!!!

Hope you arent hiding Gary I will be round yours at 1.15pm!!!

Hopefully some others may be there but someone please bring a camera!!!

I will be wearing my NMP t shirt and have a large black labrador with me(at Garys insistance)

If anyone needs my number or to be met in car park or a lift then shout!!!!!

See you all tomm......its supposed to be sunny too!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-07-09, 21:11
I may be hiding around the corner lol! No only joking! I am looking forward to it tomorrow!!!!!!

25-07-09, 06:23
I shall bring my camera, but promise not to be invasive. It's 6:16 and I've been awake since five-something. Although I've pushed today to the back of my mind, I now seem to be suffering some anxiety. Bloody idiot. I should be there today but don't be surprised if my otherwise online jovial personality appears in the guise of a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck.

25-07-09, 10:32
I have just woken up and I look forward to meeting you Gary and Kazzie and everyone else that is coming along today! I have heard that the weather is meant to be 24 c today! :yahoo: See you all about 2pm x

25-07-09, 11:13
Hi Gang:D

Will be good to see you all and cant wait to meet you Sandy:yesyes:

Gary stop being a plonker please.....you will be quite safe with me, arent you always??? A couple of glasses of wine and Oscar sitting on your knee will sort you out lol:roflmao:

Oh well looks like we have a lovely day for it folks:yesyes:

Oscar has just come back from the dog groomers and he is all fluffy.....looks so funny:roflmao:

Right wont log off just yet, has anyone heard from coolants or yorkylover???

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-07-09, 12:09
Hope you all have a great day.

25-07-09, 12:35
Many thanks Louise. I just want to get this damn bloody thing over and done with. I'm feeling awful at the moment.

25-07-09, 12:40
You will be ok Gary i am feeling nervous too. We can all be nervous together lol! Im leaving my house at 1pm to get the bus. Also looking forward to meeting Oscar Kazzie x

25-07-09, 12:41
:yesyes: Thanks Louise:)

Gary have a big:bighug1: I know its hard but think how proud you will feel later when you have done it:yesyes:

Right Im off now so Gary if you see this I will text when Im outside yours and just think Oscar will be in the car to give you a huge waggy welcome:wacko:

See you soon everyone and Rach have a safe journey!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-07-09, 12:45
You are with "like minded" people who will understand how you feel.
I do know what you mean as I forced myself out with people yesterday, some who I'd not met before, but am glad I went. You will be okay, but if you're not comfortable, you can always leave.
Best wishes.

25-07-09, 12:53
Thanks Louise. I met some people on another site last saturday and that was only my 2nd meet with them but it went very well. It is also a good way to make new friends with people in a similar situation as yourself.

25-07-09, 12:54
It's the waiting that does it. Thanks everyone.

25-07-09, 17:45
Hi Guy's sorry didn't make this time round.Haven't been to good.I hope you all had a good time,and took some piccie's.xxxxxxxxx:hugs:

25-07-09, 18:27
We did miss you Ellen, but I hope you soon feel better. There's always next time. :)

Pictures from the day will follow later. A fun day was had by all. :yesyes:

25-07-09, 18:44
Oh my god I would love to see how the photos come out lol! Thanks everyone for a brilliant afternoon - nice to see you again Gary and nice to meet you Kazzie and Rachel!!!!!!!x

25-07-09, 18:57
Glad you all had a good time! :)

25-07-09, 22:46
it was a lovely afternoon ...
thank you kaz,rodger,gary and sandy for your company.
look forward to the next one

25-07-09, 22:50
:D Yes it was hillarious

One of those moments where you had to be there I guess:lac:

It was lovely to see everyone until...........

My t**t of a labrodor took a fancy to a couple of dogs that arrived.....well I had his lead round my wrist!!!! No contest really lol he weighs more than me and pulled me off the seat and I ended up on the grass!!! Im now sporting a brusied wrist and Gary has a piccie of me sprawled on the grass which he will no doubt post soon with my absolute consent but it was sooooooo funny!!!!

All in all I think we all had fun!!!!

To top it all my sister rang me while I was sprawled on grass and all she could hear was everyone in fits of laughter!!!!

Anyhow rang her tonight and no doubt Gary will share piccie some time soon

Anyhow planning another already in Poole Dorset but more later!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

This post has been automatically edited by the NMP post filter

25-07-09, 23:14
It was a hoot:D

Missed you tho Ellen but always next time hun:hugs:

Done the post about the Poole one already:yesyes:

Lovely to meet you Sandy and good to see Rach and Gary again:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-07-09, 09:08
Your post made me laugh so much as I could just picture the scene! That was certainly an ice-breaker! lol
Please let me know how I can see the photos when they are posted and I hope your wrist isn't hurting too badly today!

26-07-09, 10:19
Thanks Louise:D

My wrist is ok just black and blue lol:roflmao:

I will let you know when the piccies appear cos I dont know as yet where Gary will post them:D

Take Care

Kaz x

26-07-09, 17:00
http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/6987/medp1000995m.th.jpg (http://img31.imageshack.us/i/medp1000995m.jpg/) http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/1108/medp1000998.th.jpg (http://img31.imageshack.us/i/medp1000998.jpg/)

A taster of Kazzie's unfortunate collision with the ground. (click each pic to view in full) There will be more from the day once I email them over to Nic for inclusion in the NMP Gallery.

27-07-09, 17:40
Lol Gary:roflmao:

Anyone want a labrador:whistles:

Photos not on gallery yet but Nic is very busy and still not 100% so no doubt she will sort it when she has time so keep checking folks:D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-07-09, 18:17
Kazz - not got the photos from Gary yet mate.

Glad you all had a fab day out!

27-07-09, 19:17
Thanks Nic:hugs:

Im still black and blue lol:D

I will text Gary and chase him up re piccies.....Ive seen them but think others may like too as well:shrug:

Hope things are ok with You and Alex and the cats:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:D

27-07-09, 20:38
Thanks for sending the photos.
The only consolation falling over where you did, was at least you were in a pub setting, so it wasn't too out of place there!
I look forward to seeing the rest of the photos.

27-07-09, 21:24
We are ok thanks Kazz

No rush on photos as I am on new laptop and have no idea how to upload them to the gallery from it and need Alex to set it all up again for me lol.

If he can remember the passwords lol.

31-07-09, 12:24
Where are the photos Gary?????:hugs:

31-07-09, 16:24
I have emailed them to Nic, but of course she's a busy gal. Moreover, she has to configure her new laptop it seems. I shouldn't think it'll too long before they're here in the NMP gallery though. In the meantime Ellen, check your messages! :)

31-07-09, 17:41
Sorry - I will get them on asap - just need Alex to reset my laptop up to upload them for me.

31-07-09, 17:52
Thanks Nic, but really, no need to apologise :)

04-08-09, 20:01
Photos now uploaded at last.

Had to do it the hard way as my new laptop runs Vista and the gallery didn't have an add on for it.

Oh well - they are there now.

04-08-09, 22:03
Cheers Nic:hugs:

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

04-08-09, 23:30
Ive just seen them and they have come out really well ha ha! Thank you nic x

05-08-09, 18:33
Thank you very much Nic.

How are you finding Vista by the way? I have to confess to being something of an XP luddite.

05-08-09, 19:08
Hi Gary - I vowed I would never move to Vista but I like some of the features but I am still trying to find my way around.

The most annoying thing is I have IE8 on here as well and either that or Vista is deleting my cookies each week and I can't find how to turn it off!

As for the Gallery - I used to be able to highlight all the pics in Explorer and publish them to the gallery - can't do that now so have to upload each one in turn which is a pain!

Granny Primark
05-08-09, 23:11
Hi kaz,
could hardly recognise you in the pics!!!!
You have lost so much weight.
Hope you had a great time.

05-08-09, 23:13
Hi Gary - I vowed I would never move to Vista but I like some of the features but I am still trying to find my way around.

The most annoying thing is I have IE8 on here as well and either that or Vista is deleting my cookies each week and I can't find how to turn it off!

As for the Gallery - I used to be able to highlight all the pics in Explorer and publish them to the gallery - can't do that now so have to upload each one in turn which is a pain!

Urgh that sounds very annoying. I've not used IE8 so I'm not sure what to suggest other than checking the cache/cookie settings in Internet Options. They may have added new inconvenience, sorry, security behaviour.

But, why not download Firefox (http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/) and/or Opera (http://www.opera.com/) and give your self a break? :yesyes: Both are far easier to configure and maintain in my view, plus secure.

I'm sure it's like most things, and the new-ness will iron itself out as you get used to it, but you do have my sympathies. I've worked hard over the years in creating a regime to maintaining my own workspace, because it's such a personal thing. Perhaps we should have a new forum topic: Workspace Bereavement? :D

I've been anti-msie ever since version 6, but that mostly due to reasons affecting web design, but now you've mentioned it I feel compelled to get a copy of 8. Grrrr! :)

You're not alone Nic, as it appears IE8 handles session cookies in an unusual way, at least when set to default. See if this sorts out the problem...

Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced >
Check these two boxes:
'Override Cookie Handling'
'Always Allow Session Cookies'.

msdn.com say: "For Internet Explorer 8, we’ve made browser session handling a lot simpler." reference. (http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2009/05/06/session-cookies-sessionstorage-and-ie8.aspx) They do like a laugh, them MS guys.

05-08-09, 23:32
Lol Lynn:D

Just to confuse everyone more Im now dark haired again since yesterday:roflmao:

Like to keep an air of mystery pmsl

Hope all is well with you mate:hugs:

Kaz x x x:D

06-08-09, 16:15
Thanks Gary - I have done that - let's see if my cookies remain intact lol.

I don't mind IE - I do have Firefox as well but keep going back to good old IE lol.

Appreciate the help anyway. Will let you know.