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18-07-09, 18:48
Hiya all

Well i'm just out of hospital this afternoon after being admitted on Monday.

I was found to have a nasty infection ('collection' as they called it) where my gallbladder was.

The surgeon said that when he took my gallbladder out (2 weeks before) it was very badly inflamed, and that sometimes that leads to post op infection:wacko:

I was put on iv antibiotics called Gentamicin which is a strong one, but i tolerated it well.

My white cell count is still not back to normal, but near as damn it! I still feel a bit 'yuk' and worry that it might rear it's ugly head again, but at least i'm home:)

Thank you all for your good wishes.


Trish x

18-07-09, 18:55

Welcome home and so pleased to hear you are ok. Great news!

18-07-09, 19:10
Aw Trish you poor thing. Sounds very painfull

So glad you are home and on the road to recovery!
Look after yourself and get lots of rest
Take care

19-07-09, 12:35
Glad you're home and feeling much better :)

I too got readmitted to hospital after my gallbladder operation, but didn't want to worry you by telling you that - sorry! But I got over it, as you are.

Take care Trish - speak soon

Rach xx


19-07-09, 13:19
Thank you all:)

Rach did you feel as bad as i felt?? It was the pits:weep: Today i have had a couple of 'sweats' which has worried me, but my sister said it could be that now i'm no longer on the antibiotics i could be sweating out the reminder infection...do you think thats fiesable?

Also Rach how long did it take you to recover after you came out of hospital?


Trish x

19-07-09, 13:51
Hi Trish,

It took me a good 4 weeks after I finally left hospital to get to a point that I could go back to work, but in all truth it took about 3 months until I felt right with no niggles.

Do you have a thermometer? I think that way you will know if your sweats are because of the infection or because you are getting over the infection/antibiotics. I'm sure the dr's wouldn't have let you go home if you weren't right.

Take care hun,

Rach xx

19-07-09, 13:59
Hiya Rach

My temp is fine the highest its been is 37.4 which is normal range, so thats good, but these sweats do get to me:huh: Can anxiety bring them on?

My head is so muzzy another thing that i'm worry about:huh:


Trish x

19-07-09, 14:05
If your temp is Ok then I'm sure there is nothing to worry about. I was told to keep an eye on mine and to call the hospital if it went high.

Sweating could be anything really, you have to remember that you've had surgery and had an organ removed. Your body will take a while to adjust, but it will I promise.

Your head is probably fuzzy because of the antibiotics and the fact that you are worrying yourself about it. If you feel no better tomorrow, just ring up your doctor and speak to them if nothing else it will put your mind at rest, but believe me it will take you a few weeks yet before you feel normal.

Am always around if you want to ask me anything else.

Hugs, Rach xx


19-07-09, 14:29
Thank you Rach its always good to hear from someone who has been through the same thing.

I'm such an impatient patient and with the HA i'm even worst:blush: I just want to feel well like..........NOW lol!!!!!

I think if i ring my GP in the morning he will come out to see me anyway, he's so good and i'll fire a load of questions at him...in fact i might even start writing a list of them now:D

Rach i hope you are keeping well and thanks again for your support:)

Trish xx

19-07-09, 18:44
Now you will feel a lot better.

19-07-09, 20:21
Get well soon xx

21-07-09, 09:11
Thank you all again for your good wishes:)

My GP came out yesterday and was pleased with my progress:)

I'm feeling better with every passing day, albeit a tad tired, but i can cope with that:) My GP thinks i should be raring to go within the next 2 weeks:yesyes:

Thanks again

Trish xx