View Full Version : Me Again

19-07-09, 00:46
I dont know this is so hard sometimes. I have been off floxertine for 3 weeks now.....and my anxiety is creeping back in. I have always worried about my health but now I am having panic attacks again and convinced myself I have MS, PD or MND.

It drives me nuts. As some of you many know I have posted recently about a hand tremor, which I felt was in my arm also and now my neck feels stiff and my head is very heavy.......... I am not sleeping.

I am also dropping things and sometimes on the key board my fingers hit the key twice or the wrong letter.

I really dont wont to go back on the foloxertine, and took myself of it just stopped it all together but not sure how I will cope.

Why am I doing this to myself.

Sorry to go on.

Also sorry for my bad spelling.

19-07-09, 05:43
I suffer with those thoughts all the time and for years. I do all these crazy self tests like standing on one foot and trying to close my eyes and touch my nose just to make sure that I am not having a stroke or losing abilities. Anyway, I can relate and I am sorry for you pain. I have no real answers for you except that I am sure you have nothing but HA wrong with you. That is bad enough and I hope you find your way quickly through this. Keep posting, we will listen.

19-07-09, 10:26
Thank you for that. I to do all the tests. For a moment I convince myself I am ok and then the brain kicks in and I am ill again. :weep:

19-07-09, 17:13
probably every person on here feels the same way, or had done at one point including myself.

I convince myself regularly that i have MS despite:-
A. having been assessed by a neurologist who specialising in ms and given the all clear
B. only thinking about the symptoms i have i.e numbness, tingling all on one side of my body and the dizziness etc and not about all the other symptoms you get with ms that i don't have!

its really hard when you feel like this and if only it was as easy as just not worrying about it we all would not be on here worrying!!!!!

the onlt thing i can say is if you stop worrying about your symptoms and start living with them and ignoring them they do get better!

hope this helps xx

20-07-09, 08:17
Thank you for the reply, I am going to try and have a better day today.