View Full Version : Greetings from a socialphobe

19-07-09, 02:48
Hey everyone. I'm not very good about talking about my problems with the people around me, hence I've turned to the net. I don't go out much at all because even the thought of social situations and going on public transport/going to shops or anywhere really makes me incredibly anxious and panicky (is that agoraphobia? I think I read about that here somewhere), but I'm trying to change that. I'm only 18 and I don't want it to rule my life. It's made me miss out on so much. I've always been a painfully shy child, but it was highschool which really cemented these feelings.

It's all intermingled with lingering depression which sometimes explodes when I am set off by something. Somehow, I've managed.

So, I've tried to confront my fears by agreeing to go to the Sonisphere music festival with my friend. I've been sick with worry over it and my mind's been obsessing over it all - ridiculous as it may sound, it even tipped me into a period of low depression at one point -, but I don't want to miss out anymore. It's the summer holidays and I can't sit here at home all day doing nothing. It's making things worse and I feel sick with myself. Sick with everything.

Well, thanks for reading if you got that far :blush:

19-07-09, 03:54

i was just finishing of my own thread of introducing myself, just noticed your thread it's seems we have the same problem with going out so i know how you are feeling, and i wish i could offer you some constructive advise but i am struggling to go out myself, although i have read numerous times that facing yur fears is the best way to get over them, right now i'm not strong enough to do that, i would'nt be giving friendly advise by saying go for it, because it's not that easy, my advise would be try going out local take small steps at a time, hope this helps a little

19-07-09, 14:35
Thank you for the welcomes.

@ Bluerose, thanks, that's good advice and I'm working on the small steps. It's not easy, but, I feel that it has to be done. I'm riding on a "wanting to chage" wave at the moment and I want to use it whilst it lasts. You'll get strong in time. We all go through periods of feeling weak and strong.

@ tetley - yes, I've been waiting for access to the chat room!

See you all around :)