View Full Version : postnatal depression/anxiety/panic attacks

19-07-09, 03:31
hello everyone,

my name is tamara most people call me tammy, i really am just looking for people who i can relate to, my depression/anxiety and panic attacks are keeping me to my house which sucks,
mines all started 7 mths ago when i had my little boy, started with postnatal depression that made me very anxious about everything, then the panic attacks started about 4 weeks ago, my doctor has put me on citalopram 20mg but after 1 day i had to drop to 10mg cause the side effects were to much, apart from feeling sick i'm coping with 10mg, only on day 4, but i'm trying to stay positive,
my family/friends listen to me but i know they don't really understand what i'm going through,it's like someone will ask me to go out, i just start to panic the thought of it, they will just look at me strange and i'm running out of reasons not to go, i went to the shops the other day i nearly passed out or atleast i thought i was gonna, i just tried to get home as fast as i could,
i miss my old life and the confident person i used to be,
the only place i can go without taking a panic attack is my doctors because thats the only place i feel safe, has anyone else felt like this? and can anyone offer me advise on how to cope with my panic attacks? :weep:

19-07-09, 09:25
Hello Tammy And :welcome: to NMP,

You are definitely in the right place for personal support & advice with your anxiety.
I cannot help you with your queries about citalopram but my OH (lionking) as posted and responded to many threads regarding this medication and its side effects so check some of these out and i'm sure you will find the answers you need. As far as panic attacks go i can honestly say 'I have been there'. I didnt have post natal depression but when my son was 14 months old, my Nan (to whom i had always been very close) passed away and it hit me hard. I had suffered from mild anxiety in the past but nothing compared to this and it tipped me well over the edge. Not pleasant when you have a young child to care for is it? panic attacks were terrible (dont need to explain them to you) but what i will say is that we do learn how to control them in time. Your meds will aslo help ease these once you find a balance with the dosage. Try not to let the panic attacks stop you going out, even if you only walk to the end of your street. I didnt even feel safe at the doctors when i went through this, everywhere was a nightmare to go.
You will overcome this but dont expect it to be overnight, it is going to take time and lots of effort. Ask your G.P about self help courses, they do one in our area called 'stress pac' where you and other sufferers attend a five week course programme helping you deal with every day causes and symptoms of stress and anxiety. My OH and i found this very helpful. Its worth checking out wether this or something similiar is available in your area.
I am certain you will get lots of help from the other members of this site, everyone as lots of personal advice to offer!
Also, forget about finding excuses to cover up your anxieties, trying to hide it and cover it up just adds to the pressures. Open up to anyone you are able to and do what suits you, not other people. Dont feel pressured that your child is missing out or suffering as this is the worst pressure you can have. Ask for help from family and friends where you can. You do not need to battle this alone, but it is your fight with anxiety so you need to be prepared to help yourself. x

19-07-09, 19:47
hello hun massive hugs to you i know exactly what you mean when saying you panick about the though of going out etc its a living nightmare if you ever need a chat do message me xxxx

19-07-09, 20:42
Hello Tammy,

I too can relate to your story. I remember having panic attacks after my first daughter was born. I suffered with post-natel depression with my first two children. 14 and 11 years ago. The not wanting to be somewhere and the fear of passing out is awful, and the need to get home is very familiar! I got over both lots of post natel depression with anti-depressants and carried on a very normal life, free from panic and medication.
Unfortunately after some family stress, the attacks came back a few years ago. I was put on cipralex for the anxiety and panic, I was on them for about six months and they were wonderful for me, the side effects can be a pain, but from what I remember the feelings of sick etc start to subside after a few weeks. Again I have had blips, but I have found this site really helpful when I need to know that I am not going mad and what I am feeling is quite normal. I have only just recently got the courage to join and write!!
I am always harping on about rescue remedy, but I really do find it helps me when I am feeling anxious. I use the spray and the night time drops. Its a natural remedy.
Good luck and you will be fine.
Zoe x

20-07-09, 01:42
thanx for the advise :yesyes:

does anyone have any ideas on how to stop a panic attack coming on or the best way to cope with one cause i'm really struggling with panic attacks

20-07-09, 16:38
Hi Tamara,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,
