View Full Version : Hi everyone

19-07-09, 05:10
Im not great at the whole talking online to strangers thing, but my boyfriend can't understand me at all, my dad tries, but im kinda losing motivation here so thought i'd find some people with similar problems. I have had a panic disorder, agoraphobia and depression for about 8 years. I was officially diagnosed with it on my 16th birthday (best present ever...not :emot-crying: ) Anyway, was sent to cognitive behavourial therapy. The therapist was the most impatient man I have ever met and if anything made my condition worse so after 6 months I stopped going and tried it alone. Could go out occasionally with my boyfriend, but not for long. Turned 18 and my doc said i could take citalopram. Been on it for about a year. Was really good at first, but the past 6 months i've been feeling more and more depressed to the point where i am always tired, i have no motivation, burst into tears for no reason and just can't see how i'm ever going to overcome this so why bother trying? On top of that, my boyfriend is quite annoyed that i never have any energy/can't find the motivation to do anything around the house, so we've been arguing quite abit. And my new doctor (at the hospital they change every 6 months, not my GP) doesn't think I need my medication putting up from 10mg, he thinks i need to go back to therapy, which i just can't do.

And i've just re-read all that and can't believe how much i've rambled on, so sorry about...needed to let off steam.

Anyway, hope to talk to you all soon

Prue x

19-07-09, 09:31

Welcome to NMP. You'll find lots of people in a similar position here, I have found this site a great help.
I appreciate what your saying about doctors etc. My first experience with depression/panic attacks was when I was at school, I was refered for counselling and started a course of CBT. Each time I went there was a different doctor, where the other had left/moved on. Each time I had to go over my story again, as they couldnt be bothered to read the notes. I thought it was very unprofessional. In the end I was told there was no one in the area taking over the CBT and the waiting list was so long it wasnt worth putting me back on it!!!

It is hard for people that do not suffer to understand so if you ever want to chat feel free to get in touch