View Full Version : How do I nip this in the bud?

19-07-09, 08:53
Most of you will know that I semi recovered from anxiety several months ago. I say 'semi' has i still think i had some distance to go, The road is long!
I have no doubt that some issues could have been dealt with properly, like the fact that I took myself off my medication 'sertraline' without consulting my G.P (two months ago) & my G.P is still unaware of this. I felt that as they were not working anyway, and the side effects were pretty shocking, that i would be better off without them anyway! I'm now starting to think that this as not been one of my best decisions. I do feel that i have coped well without my meds in some respects but since coming back from our family holiday three weeks ago i have felt 'run down'. My mental state remained 'steady' i could still go out without feeling anxious or panicky. I was able to handle all aspects of life without any qualms but i have felt over-tired but have been unable to sleep. I have also had a lingering cold. I havent had much of a chance to pull myself round from this by resting as i have a very active 2 year old son. For the past week things have started to take a bit of a nose dive, my old anxiety symptoms have started to return. Starting with the depersonalization (which i detest), then i started to feel paniky a few days ago. I initially noticed a jumping nerve in my shoulder which just wont go away, it is continuous and happens every 5 minutes throughout the day, then my palpatations returned and wont stop. I am devestated at the thought of my anxiety getting a hold of me again.
How do i nip it in the bud?

Diane O'Brien
19-07-09, 09:01

I was exactly the same I came off anti-depressants in April without consulting the doctor. I was OK for a couple of months, then I started to go backwards again with anxiety and panic attacks. Go back to your doctor and have a chat, they won't judge u. See if another medication will help. Try and get as much support as possible. Looking after a toddler is demanding in itself. See if the doctor will point u in the direction of support groups (I know its not always possible.)

Your not on your own. I,m now back on antidepressants and beta blockers, they are helping me get over my setback. I wish u well.

Take Care. Keep in touch.

Diane xxx