View Full Version : Hi Everyone from Jaycey...This is my first thread

19-07-09, 11:25
This site is the best one I've ever come across...it helps to know that I'm not on my own with my anxiety...Mine first started in May this year..I had a severe chest infection for the whole of March and was given 3 courses of Antibiotica and 2 courses of Steroids..I put 1.5 stone on in weight and my face blew up to twice the size....By the time we'd reached May, My stomache was swollen like I was 7 months pregnant and I was very constipated..I went to see my Doctor(A) and explained that I was sure the medication had upset my IBS (I've had it over 20 years)..The Doctor(A) didn't agree and to my shock and horror, I came away from the surgery with him telling me he wanted me to have "fast track" scan for Ovarian Cancer!..I was really upset..He also took 2 blood tests...I went back the following week and he casually told me that the ovarian blood test was showing that my "Tumor Marker" was raised!...From that day..I haven't eaten properly..I am on sleeping tablets (lucky to get 3 hours)..I have had the Ovarian scan, a womb biopsy, a full abdominal scan, a sigmoidoscopy, 2 chest xrays, a mammogram and 20 various blood tests, including 3 tumor markers for: ovaries, bowel and tumor spread.....Every single test has come back "Normal"..Two Consultants have confirmed it was the medication in March that has caused my problems and all my "good bacteria" has been destroyed..It could take upto a year until I start to feel better, also It highly possible I have Candidas, caused by the Thrush in my mouth when I was on the Antibiotics.. I now see the other Doctor(B) in the practice who has expressed his anger for the way the other Doctor(A) worried me and planted the seed of anxiety, which has now grown and grown..I have days where I am fine, but get the occassional, tingling and pins/needles in my hands or feet..My main worry now is my head....I had head, neck and jaw pain around 6 weeks ago..I saw Doctor (B) who reassured me it was definitly the anxiety and within 2 days it had gone...I have had a bad throat since the thrush, though, you can no longer see thrush, but none of the Doctors have addressed my red inflamed throat..I am told all the time to "gargle with salt water" or "see how it goes", however, now I have burning sensations on my tongue and jaw, my gums are sore (even the dentist agreed) my throat is dry and also my nasal passages are permanently dry, I have pain in my neck (Dr (B) thinks Spondylitis)especially at the back of my head by the glands, my face, in front of my ears, aches and under my jaw and I've had it for 2 weeks..It keeps me awake and is getting me down..I My Dentist wants to see me again in 2 weeks and the Doctor(B) said on thursday "see how you get on at the Dentist"..I know these pains are very different to the ones of Anxiety and I am worried that it's a problem with the nervous system that effects my head..Somebody also suggested it could be as a result of chatting on my mobile phone too much...now i am really worried...I would really appreciate any suggestions as to what could be wrong with me..I don't know wether to see an ENT specialist or a Neurologist??....Please help..Thanks:unsure:

19-07-09, 13:25
Hi Jaycey,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

19-07-09, 16:04
Hi...Thanks Tetley and Di for the warm welcome..I have been for a long walk today..I enjoyed it but my mouth and face still sore...I hope someone can relate to my problem and give me some advice...Thanks

Jaycey x