View Full Version : end of the world fear

19-07-09, 12:38
hey, i know i have written about this before but i am really freaking out as there is a new film coming out soon called '2012' and it is about the world ending in 2012. and aparently the mayan calender predicted it and science has confirmed that the world is going to end in 2012. i'm really freaking out and i am on the verge of a panic attack. what do you think? please help me?
Please reply
Luv Louise

19-07-09, 13:14
Well I hope the world wont end in 2012 as the Londoners will go nuts coz they have the Olympics! Sorry for being flippant, I used to worry the world would end and it was on New Years Eve 1999 that I put my fears on my kids. I was convinced the world would end and it didnt, I had made such a fuss that my sons got quite freaked out by it. I then realised I had to keep quiet. The truth is no one knows when it will end and that is how it should be. Since life began we have had scare mongerers that have predicted the end is nigh and here we all are still fretting it is iminant.
I hope you can get pased these fears, I did but it wont stop me from looking into this new film and probably scaring myself to death!
Take care,
Carol x

19-07-09, 14:15
Well if it does end we have 3 years to go and enjoy ourselves in first.

There isn't much we can do to change what will happen but we have had the world ending so many times before that it isn't worth giving it a second thought now to be honest.

19-07-09, 15:04
Hi Lousie

Its all a load of rubbish hun - i wouldnt give it a second thought.

Has long as i can remember theres always been rumours about diffrent dates the world would end, those dates have passed by and where all still here.

My mums nearly 80 and she says there where stories going around when she was a child also but nothing ever happened.

Try and put it at the back of your mind and enjoy life:hugs:


19-07-09, 16:26
Yeah something like that comes up every few years or so, the world will end at such-and-such a time...

I do know how you feel though, for a module in my degree we studied possible ways the universe would end... freaked me out big time even though we were talking billions of years into the future!!! But it has little relevance to our day to day lives, just try not to think too deeply about it.

The date in 2012 is the day the Mayan calendar ends, it's also the date of some astronomical allignment that happens once every 20000 years or something, not the end of the world :)

19-07-09, 19:52
Hey Louise,

I had this for almost two years - some time ago - I can't remember what triggered it but it was some thing similar to the Mayans..

There is some cult or society or something who had to keep changing the date of the end of the world cos they kept getting it wrong..

As the previous posters have said - if it is true then then it is out of our control so let's make the most of what we have (watch sunsets and smell the roses)

But it is highly likely to be true as sooo many people (including scientists) have prophesised the end of the world before - and hey, we're still here! So what makes the Mayans so special? ( Apologies to the Mayans...)

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.


Keep happy!

20-07-09, 09:30
This bothered me for a bit too, then someone explained on television that when the Mayan calendar come to an end, it just flips over and starts again, much the same as the Gregorian calendar does on December 31st every year. Made some kind of sense to me.

21-07-09, 10:45
hey, i know i have written about this before but i am really freaking out as there is a new film coming out soon called '2012' and it is about the world ending in 2012.

With the way Hollywood has gone these days, I imagine that if you saw the movie it would probably dispel your worries, and you will walk out disappointed and thinking "What rubbish. Can i get my money back?".

There have always been and always will be doomsday myths. I don't know why, but some people love this stuff so much that they create a new one ever few years or so. 2012 will be just another boring day.

21-07-09, 23:45

I have been listening to many many programs and they talk of what could happen on that date. Most really don't think much of it other than the Maya were starting a new period for life on earth , nothing more nothing less.

As the shows have progressed I have heard talk from many many notable phsysist and scientist and people talking about what they think is going to happen. The phsysist and scientist both listen to the same things you are
and all have agreed that nothing at all that anyone has mentioned could possibly come to pass. It will just be another day..So not to worry..It will be pretty much the same as the thing about Y2k and I remember how freaked many people got about that..What happened? NADA nothing..

So don't worry be happy and take care

21-07-09, 23:55
Louise - has this reassured you?

22-07-09, 00:45
I look at it this way...they cant even predict the weather for tomorrow so how the heck can they predict whats going to happen in 3 years time?
Try not to worry too much hun...lifes too short
Take care

27-12-09, 23:32
I am bringing up a older post because this same thing has really been bothering me... ive been thinking about it non stop... i would love for someone with knowledge of science to tell me this isnt true... i mean crap.. im only 23 years old... i wanna live to be a old man just like everyone else... and this whole 2012 thing is really depressing me.. i cant go anywhere without hearing about it... im trying to watch tv sometimes and thats all i see how the worlds gonna end and we are all going to die!?! .. well yeah ofcourse if the worlds going to end there is nothing we can do... but i dont want it to... i wanna live... im only 23 and i have so much living to do and so much plans for my family and this whole 2012 thing is really darkening my hope of any kind future .. if its not true i wish someone with the knowledge could just come say.. okay its not true... but they are blowing it up and its depressing people like me to the maxx... and making me wanna give up and actaully wish i die from my biggest fear ever wich is cancer so i dont have to see my son, friends and loved ones die right before my eyes .... if anyone can help please reply to this... if this is true whats the point of anything?:weep:

28-12-09, 13:20
Dear Malv (and everyone else who fears 2012),

The world is not going to end in 2012 and you won't have to see your loved ones to die.
You can ask of course, "how can you know this for sure"? Yeah, that would require for me to write a novel about my years of spiritual journey and awakening, which I wouldn't like to do here :)
Please, just believe me when I say: IT WON'T END and you won't die. If you listen carefully, many sources are telling that the world will end AS WE KNOW IT. It means that beautiful times are ahead. We will be leaving all the stress and suffering behind, and love will take over. Of course, not from one minute to another, it will be a long process and a beautiful journey for all of us. It is a great time to be alive!!
I am very very much looking forward to the positive energetic changes and am very optimistic about 2012.
Don't listen to all the media sources, scary movies etc on this topic. They just trying to make money and playing on all our fears.

Please, be assured that nothing bad will happen, the world will stay and we will experience wonderful times that we never did before! :hugs:


28-12-09, 20:30
Hello :)

The world is not going to end in 2012, have a look on the Nasa website and search 2012, if there was any sort of truth in the pole shift, planet Nibiru any of it! these guys would know about it!

Just to let you know the whole pole shift, planet nibiru, planet alignment thing is nothing new, they had similar theories about it for the year 2000 and 1983 ( i think).

It has all started because the Mayan Calander ends, but it will simply start again not end the world!! there are Mayans that still exist in this time and they dont agree that the world will end either!

I know how scary it is because of the amount of media attention it is getting, but bad news sells books and movies unfortunately!! there is zero proof that the world is going to end, not one shred of evidence, people are obsessed with it!! they always have been! and it hasnt happened.

All the people that said it would happen said that planet Nibiru would be seen from around the world in June 2009 and that this is proof, well where is it??? its a hoax!! please enjoy you life and dont worry about this xxx

29-12-09, 22:28
I also have this fear. I havnt been back to this site in years, but just recently with all the media hype over 2012, ive started to get anxious and not able to relax. Im a single mother of 5 children and i want to protect my little ones and watch them grow etc.

However, i think it was 1999 that the world was going to end (again), and i took the two little children i had back then to bed with me and cried myself to sleep with them in my arms. For days leading up to 'dooms day', i watched the sky, couldnt eat, sleep and was petrified of it happening..a few days later (and still very much alive), i could have punched myself for getting in such a tizz.

2000 the world was meant to end....

So yes, im a little worried right now admittedly-but lets look at it logically..firstly IF its true and the world is gonna end..then we'll all go together and we wont know what hit us..we wont be dying alone!

Secondly..the chances of it happening are a one in a trillion as realistically NO ONE can predict the future.

Thirdly..its not quite 2010! I am worried yes, but just reading the replys on here have made that worry much smaller than it was 20 mins ago. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow! Look about you..watch the hundreds of passer bys in shopping centres, on buses, in offices etc etc everyones living their lives day to day. Dont let yourself be like i was back in 1999, watching and waiting for something that didnt even happen. Live your life to the full and enjoy.

There are books in book stores all about 2012..there were books in book stores all about 2000..fear sells! once 2012 has passed, there will be more books in book stores out about the next 'end of the world'.

29-12-09, 22:39
Nostradamus has a lot to answer for! (open to interpetation or what just like the bible). No offence to anybody religious! So does bloomin Hollywood!You are more likely to win the lottery than that load of rubbish coming true. Ive been spooked by stuff before I admit it but lets face it, when intellect takes over matters of the heart, disasters happen, man made and natural. Enjoy now. Dont waste time thinking about what might be and definately dont watch these type of films if they really worry you!Wheres the pleasure in that!xx

30-12-09, 00:02
Nostradamus has a lot to answer for!

You would be right to trust Nostradamus and his prophecies though if you are worried about 2012 as he has actually predicted to the year 3797!

30-12-09, 00:36
The fears of the world's ending are based mostly on superstitions and supposed messages from aliens... do you really want to spend the next two years living in fear of that?

As far as I know the descendents of the Mayans don't really care about the calendar - and if they don't care, what are we worried about? In fact what are we worried about anyway, the Mayans didn't have the technology to wipe their own bums, surely if there was going to be some major disaster we would have seen some evidence of it in the centuries since Mayan civilisation was wiped out (they didn't see THAT coming).

30-12-09, 00:42
hey, i know i have written about this before but i am really freaking out as there is a new film coming out soon called '2012' and it is about the world ending in 2012. and aparently the mayan calender predicted it and science has confirmed that the world is going to end in 2012. i'm really freaking out and i am on the verge of a panic attack. what do you think? please help me?
Please reply
Luv Louise

I watched that and it made me feel a bit anxious. Well for days after it I was like wow imagine that. Never caused me too much anxiety.

I can relate to the end of the world fear though. About a year or so ago they were testing that thing for the atoms and it would create black holes? All the papers made a fuss over it so I got up at 6am for thd switch on turned on the news channel and I was actually genuinely frightened maybe even non anxiously about the world ending..it failed to work so I calmed down..think last month I found out they turned it on and nobody blinked an eye lid...

When you get something like this in your mind it can really take over in a doom or gloom way. Fear is the word.

I think any fear of death or the world ending can be quite scary...probably one of the more common ones with people who suffer anxiety. But you hear stuff about asteroids and it causes me slight concern but my above anxiety did create genuine fear..in the end it was hyped up. :huh:

30-12-09, 19:10
Hello! me and my friend are working on a essay about the facts of 2012 we have evidence and scientific proof thats its not scientifically possible for anything to happen in 2012 i got the idea because i have spent alott of time worrying about this! when we are done with the essay i will post it on here for anyone with fears about 2012 to see it :)

03-01-10, 22:03
Hi Louise,
Thank God there is someone else out there that has been scared and worried about all this !! I am just coming out an episode of depression and felt pretty relaxed yesterday until my 14 year old Daughter announced the end of the world (because the film says it) ! I sat there and thought ' great, thanks a lot !!!'
When we are depressed / anxious it is so easy to hang onto something like this and soon it feels like we are obsessing - I haven't stopped thinking about it all last night and today making myself feel ill !!!!
After reading the other posts on here, I am actually feeling better now when people have explained the calendar and all that. I can remember when they said it was the year 2000 and another time before that. Please try and let go of these thoughts Louise - I know it is hard. One way you can help yourself is by writing a diary and get it all down on paper. It helps me. If I am honest, I have been too scared to even read about it but coming on here has helped me so much and for all those Hollywood scaremongers, they should be ashamed of themselves. In the film, there is a little boy and I was thinking today he obviously isn't afraid of anything. My partner wants to see the film because he loves all that shit but I won't be watching it.
Take care, chat anytime you like x
Love Danniella

04-01-10, 04:17
I've thought about this in 2 ways...

If you were writing out a calendar, at what date would you stop? When you ran out of paper? When you could no longer write? I know at some point I'd get fed up with writing all the figures out so then if someone looked at the last date I wrote, what would they try to read into it? Would they think oh, he must have got fed up with writing them? I doubt it knowing human nature.

The other thought I had was if we all went together they'd be no one left behind hurting, missing us or feeling alone! We all have to go sometime so why not enjoy the time we have and if we all popped off together we could all meet up together too!

I think I'd rather be with everyone else rather than be left here on my own.:hugs:

04-01-10, 15:08
Hello Friends.
I hope the world wont end in 2012 as the Londoners will go nuts coz they have the Olympics! Sorry for being flippant, I used to worry the world would end and it was on New Years Eve 1999 that I put my fears on my kids.
I was convinced the world would end and it didnt, I had made such a fuss that my sons got quite freaked out by it. I then realised I had to keep quiet. The truth is no one knows when it will end and that is how it should be.
I hope you can get passed these fears.

04-01-10, 20:37
I was a bit concerned about 2012, then I researched it....here are a few things that should make you feel better:

-The Mayan calendar doesn't end in 2012, it has another 3000 years after that.

-Living Mayans say that the end of their calendar is a happy time

-All of the things that are happening that are cited as causing the end are either not happening in 2012, are impossible or have happened before without causing any damage at all.

-The Mayans had no special knowledge about when the world would end, just like no one else does. It's like the French declaring the end of the world....no more credible than anyone else.

-The poles flipping is the main reason cited for it, but that takes 250 years to occur and doesn't even begin in 2012.

Hope this helps. There's no point in being sad for three years, just push it out of your minds and deal with it on the day, the 21st of December, one single day and then when it's over you can all have a huge party. :yesyes:

05-01-10, 09:49
This whole thing has been bothering me lately too, not just 2012 but the whole apocalypse type thing, for want of a better way of putting it. Every time I turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper or magazine there's an advert or trailer for some new film or television programme pushing another end of the world/collapsing society scenario. Each one is like a punch in the guts and it just gets me down to the point where I can hardly function and I can see the wife thinking 'here we go again'. Truth is it's always the kids I'm really worrying about. I really couldn't give a toss for myself and if it was only me then I'd almost welcome death for the peace it would bring, but with a 6 and a 9 year old I can't be that selfish. Maybe it's the time of year too, dark mornings, dark nights, darker thoughts, I just get sick to death of going through this cycle time and time again. The doctor's put me back on prozac and now I have the 'down' to deal with before it hopefully lifts me up. All things considered, it really feels like life ain't worth living right now.

05-01-10, 10:30
Mudskipper i am so sorry to hear you are going through such a hard time :(. Remember that nothing good or bad is written in stone, its hardly surprising that you feel this way when the media is full of bad and very scary news!!

This unfortunately sells papers, and people are more likely to read the bad stories then the nice ones. I went through a phase last year of being terrified of 2012 and the future in general, i still have my moments but im working through it, i did used to think whats the point?? the future is going to be a disaster anyway and i felt like i was in a very dark joyless place.

I have started to write a gratitude diary, i think its very important to remember not to always concentrate on the dark side of things, the world can also be a wonderful place, it may be a idea to write down all the things you see or have experienced in a day that you found positive or that you thankful for, its very hard to reverse this kind of thinking but it can be done.

You need to put some joy in your life and think "hey it isnt all that bad" maybe get a hobby, stop looking at the news and concentrate on the love around you.

People have been saying the world is going to end ever since the start, fear gives people power (and money) getting a better understanding of these things helps to, i visit the Nasa website alot and used to be terrified of anything "space like" but its good to familiarise yourself sometimes with the things you are afraid of and see that most of what people say in the media is nonsence!!

I think its a shame that so many young, talented, kind people are living in fear and putting their life on hold because they are so afraid of what probably wont happen.

I like this quote " my life has been filled with misfortunes, most of which have never happened".

If anyone is still afraid of 2012 please please look at the NASA website, it helped me alot. Take Care xxx

05-01-10, 14:26
Thanks for your thoughts, I try hard to be rational about these things but however overwhelming the positive evidence may be, that nasty little negative voice in the back of my mind always seems so much more convincing. Part of my problem is that, like the people who make these films and programmes, I have an extremely active imagination. At the slightest provocation my mind picks up on an idea and runs with it, resulting in a disastrous scenario in my mind, usually involving my family suffering and me not being able to help. I love them to pieces, more than I can say and these thoughts just send me right over the edge. Hopefully things will ease as I get used to the prozac again, I only started it last week and I know how bad it makes you feel before it makes you better, but the constant struggle just drains all the pleasure from life.

05-01-10, 14:42
Just remember Mudskipper, numerous people have predicted that the world was going to end at different times and yet here we are many many years later still going strong. Mother Shipton was one and I believe she said sometime in the '60's and I think the 70's and we are still here, Nostradamus also said the world would end in the 50's, 60' and 70's and yep, we're still here.
The Mayans have predicted that world will end as we know it, but not literally, there will be a shift towards the more spiritual enlightnement, and less materialism for those who are spiritual they will find that thye may become Psychic, able to contact the dead, people will be able to heal more with Reiki. I really wouldn't worry to much about the world expiring anytime soon, as it isn't going to happen in your lifetime!
I hope this helps!:)

05-01-10, 15:16
It always helps to hear someone take my anxieties seriously, thanks. All too often I tend to zero in on something very specific, something which is probably no more relevant to me once I've discovered it than it was before I knew about it. Nevertheless, I'll concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else until it lodges securely in my mind. Then, whenever I start to feel a little better, it drifts effortlessly through my mind and wipes out all the positives again. I try to tell myself that I've been here before 2 years ago and 7 years ago, and the things that bothered me then don't really bother me now, so hopefully as the prozac kicks in maybe I'll be able to give this one the push too. Wish I could press a button and fast forward ten years...

06-01-10, 16:55
OMG, this is what Ive had for the last year, following the birth of my last son. It started with that atom collider thingy, then swine flu and then 2012, Ive been soo scared of that date and really panic when I see just the date. my face is streaming just reading this thread as its the first (apart from my hubby) reasurrance ive had. I used to love watching the clouds but now I fear them along with sudden noises and bad weather. What made it all worse for me was watching that movie called knowing and it scared the life outta me. For many weeks I thought that was gonna come true. So scared but now feel slightly better.

06-01-10, 20:56
Littlecoder - I could have written your post because I was petrified of the colider thing being turned on and am terrified of dying and the end of the world. I am ridiculously scared of stupid things like noises, planes going over, any form of weather - snow, storms, windy days. I find myself so jumpy at every little thing and always assume it signals the end.

You are not alone x