View Full Version : Stairs

19-07-09, 14:25
Ok, don't laugh, this is a serious question! (well alright, you can laugh a bit:blush: )

Does anybody else that suffers PA's and agoraphobics in particular struggle with stairs when they are away from home? I am talking mainly of stairs in shops/large building, especially those ones that have see through sides made of glass.
This has become quite an issue for me recently, not a problem going up the damned things but coming down I sort of freeze..I feel like I'm going to fall.
I went into B and Q this morning, went halfway up the stairs, pictured myself having a wobbly at the top so turned around and came down.

i must have looked a right plonker :wacko:

Reassurances please? ta very much :)

19-07-09, 14:34
I don't like glass sides as I don't like heights so don't want to see the ground!

I also hate those escalators that they have in Tesco's and B&Q here that go on forever - the ones you push a trolley up - aggh I hate them!

19-07-09, 14:35
Hi ladybird,
I hate stairs that have only the step, the ones you can see through when you walk up them. As you get higher the ground floor is further away and you can see the people underneath you...hate it! Im also not too fussed on escalators as once your on you have to go to the top and lifts...there's just no escape till you land!
I dont think you would have looked a plonker, people are too busy worrying about their own stuff to even notice that we exist!
Take care,
Carol (a fellow stair hater!)