View Full Version : funny head

19-07-09, 14:51
does anybody else get a weird head? very hard to describe.....its not a headache at all, its almost like a slight pressure, it can be any where on my head, at the moment its on the top and along my forehead. im just waiting for it to get worse and really start hurting or something. i did go to the docs about 3 months ago about the same thing, and was sent to have behind my eyes looked at because i was getting floaters but that was all fine. but i get this on and off and today its here and again im worrying. any help would be nice. thank you debs. xx

19-07-09, 16:51
I often get headaches which aren't painful! its hard to explain! I also get this feeling of dizziness and light headedness without being dizzy! Probably doesn't make any sense but i know what i mean! i am lead to believe these are all signs of anxiety! very annoying though.

19-07-09, 20:10
thank you for replying, i know what you mean too! lol, its a very weird feeling and it can be quite frightening. i get the lightheadedness 2 and thats awful in its self without the funny head. xxxx

19-07-09, 20:13
i get that alot i feel like im in a bubble half the time if that makes sense

13-01-13, 14:54
I have this 24/7 and it won't go away and it makes me worse

13-01-13, 15:03
I have had this for ages, weird head pressure, dizziness, floaters. GP said it is anxiety, but I always say I do not feel anxious until the symptoms start then I feel panicky.
I have had loads of tests and no explanation apart from anxiety.

13-01-13, 15:13
It's because your anxiety sits in your sub conscious so you don't know you are anxious until it manifests itself as a symptom.

I really struggled to come to terms with this for ages. I read up about anxiety and symptoms but always thought "but I don't feel anxious until the chest pains come on therefore it must be more". Nope! Both my doctor and therapist have told me the anxiety is lurking, you get the symptom and this is when your conscious mind becomes aware and then you get more anxious and start panicking.

Weird I know but true.

Physchotherapy is the best way to tackle this as anxiety is actually a symptom itself of a deeper issue. I think mine is a fear of death and having a heart attack. Hopefully once I deal with this fear, my anxiety should be no more.

13-01-13, 16:33
Hi, I have this sometimes as well. Its horrible and scary - I feel like my brain is gong to explode! *trying* to relax; bath, watch a film, some kalms + paracetamol helps. I also find that giving myself a break (i.e., postphoning that meeting; getting my hair done etc) lessens it.


13-01-13, 21:42
Yep i have a funny head all the time which really scares me. its so difficult to explain :-(

13-01-13, 22:35
I get it a lot, and then of course I think something is really wrong with my head, damn anxiety. :)

14-01-13, 12:44
Hi, nice to know i'm not the only one suffering with this strange symptom. Have had weird muzzy head that comes and goes for 2 months now. It's very scary, am having ct scans in a few days in case its something to do with nasal polyps?/