View Full Version : Light headed when lying down

19-07-09, 15:19

Does anyone else get light headed dizzy spells just when lying down???

I have none of it all day but as soon as I go to bed, if i turn my head slightly things start to spin. Also when getting up, however slowly I do it, the room will spin for approx 20 seconds or so..

I know light headed/dizzyness is a classic anxiety symptom, but why just when I lie down?????:mad:

Any advice, or would love to hear from others who get the same :hugs:


19-07-09, 15:26
i get it too .. mostly when i lay down, like a few spins or weird head sensations. i guess when our bodies finally relax our mind keeps going, per anxiety?

19-07-09, 15:28
Sounds like fluid in your inner ear.

I am sure it will go away. I used to get it when I had a skin full...lol.


19-07-09, 15:47
I agree with mee,sounds like a middle ear problem

19-07-09, 15:54
I get it sometimes. It sounds like inner ear. The first time it happened i was really worried.

19-07-09, 16:54
Could be an inner ear problem, it could also be something called postural hypotension. All thid means is that when you change position ie lie to sit or sit to lie there is a change in your blood pressure and it drops slightly giving you a feeling of light headedness, dizziness etc.
Nothing to worry about, could be caused by medication etc but its nothing to worry about

hope this helps xx