View Full Version : Swine flu in my family!!

19-07-09, 19:12
I did wonder how long it would take, my nephew has it, he's 23. At the moment he doesn't feel to bad. This is the first day of it. His mum has to phone doctors tomorrow morning and find out about getting the anti viral.

It's a worrying time for all I, especially those with HA and other health problems. My nephew doesn't seem fazed by it, despite feeling a bit rough.

I will keep you informed of his progress.

Hugs to all (unless u have swine flu) :p sorry for the crap joke, but humour is all I have left!!

19-07-09, 19:57
I hope he is ok, let us know how he gets on.

22-07-09, 19:54
And you live where? That is so scary, esp. when it's happening to people NOT of elderly age.

31-07-09, 17:49
Hi there, I live in the UK, south west, just to confirm that my nephew is ok. He said he felt crap and went to bed for a few days. Funny enough he didnt seem that bothered about it!!!

31-07-09, 19:43

I had this last week and was given tamiflu - which made me feel worse really - as it was mainly nausea....

But everyone reacts differently to the drugs - what helped me was lots and lots of sleep - water - and cuddles from my other half - he didnt seem phased by it either!

Hope he gets better soon :)