View Full Version : so many things!!

19-07-09, 21:12
Been to dr again re:stomach pains , now have to have ultra sound for gall stones, plus hospital aptment for left side pains , possiable ibs or divicultitis.
Also have aptment in Aug for possible carpal tunnel syndrome and an eye problem. It all feels too much , i panic so much.
Stress does seem to make stomach pains worse, but im so scared that ive got lots of things wrong with me..

19-07-09, 22:07
Hi Pb

I know how your feeling when you have so many appts...i think between myself and husband we have had 7 hospital visits!

I had my gallbladder removed on 30th June, i came home the same day and for 2 days felt fine then i went down hill and ended up in hospital last Monday with an infection. I came home yesterday and still feel crap!

I am still thinking that there is something not quite right and my anxiety is not helping matters.

I've got to the point today that i don't know if its my HA or i'm just ill:weep: