View Full Version : Pounding heart for the last 2 days.

19-07-09, 23:02
Seems as if my heart has really been pounding the last few days. When I lay down I can feel my heart beating and seems like my whole body is throbbing. Can this put too much stress on my heart and I have a heart attack. Timely responses GREATLY appreciated as its causing me to really panic..........Thanks!!


20-07-09, 00:16
Bo, your panic is making it worse. To reassure you, last year after I lost my grandmother my heart beat very hard for days! It scared me very much, but I was ok. It is more resiliant than you realize. If this continues I would see a doctor for reassurance, but it sounds as if some sort of trigger stressed you out and now you are focusing a lot on this one symptom, and caught in the hamster wheel as I call it -- trigger=heart racing=anxiety=more heart racing. Be sure to hydrate yourself (try drinking some orange juice or eat a bananna -- your potassium might be low, too), stay away from caffeine and sweets, take some deep breaths. Your thoughts are controlling this symptom right now, so also see if you can distract yourself by finding something to do you enjoy. That is the hardest thing for me because I prefer to focus on the symptom - -to keep checking it. Best not to. I really believe you will be just fine. I am sure this came from something going on in your life that needs your attention. Please let me know how you are doing. Hugs, Wiskers ~

Veronica H
20-07-09, 08:40
:bighug1: Hi Bo. Just wanted to second what whiskers says. Try to tune out and be reassured most of us with anxiety have the pounding heart at some stage. You are producing too much adrenalin because your nerves are sensitised and have tuned into the fact that your heart is pounding thus generating fear, and so the cycle continues. ( the hamster wheel is a good analogy whiskers). The heart is much stronger than we think and this will not harm you. This will get better Bo. If you have not yet done so, I would take a look at Dr Claire Weekes book 'Self help for your nerves' and also free downloads of her work, both available from the NMP shop. I can not recommend these enough as it really explains what is happening to us and how we can recover.
