View Full Version : Anxiety and Agrophobia

20-07-09, 00:17

It appears I've been suffering for so long with anxiety that I can't remember exactly when it started but I know when I finally 'crashed' - a few days after St Paddy's day 2009 after a body recovery (Rescue Services). It wasn't any one thing that made me crash. it was the build up of all the wee small things that got blown out of all proportion all becasue I couldn't say 'No'.

I was the good auld dependible person that everyone could dump on, cry on etc until my body could take no more. When my councillor diagnosed 'burn out' due to stress, I was bewildered. Me.. stressed??? I didn't have time to be stressed. I also went to my doctor because I felt I was getting nowhere. I was still bewildered as to what was happening. He also diagnosed stress which was bringing on the anxiety attacks and proscribed betabloackers. I'm not sure whwter they did help or not but I'll air on caution and say there was a bit of relaxation but I still had these anxiety attacks which I didn't understand so googling my 'anxiety' I went.

There is so much out there about the problem that I am mystified as to why doctors don't seem to understand what is going on or ways of treating it.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I came across this site and reference to Dr Claire Weekes who seemed to be a leading authority on the condition. I amaned to acquire the mp3 audio files from a 'location' and have been listening to them over the past week and I have to say, as far as sceptics go, this is one cool dude who seems to know her stuff. I'm taking a guarded approach with this but from initial trials of her technique, things are looking good.

Over the past week, I've been listening to her saying 'Don't fight the thoughts, let them come - embrace them - loosen your body and let them come at you'

Jeezz, that's easier said than done - which she did admit too but I didn't want to keep feeling the way I did so I tried her technique. It took me a few days to put into practice what she way saying. How do I loosen my body and let these thought come in or overwelm me - they were scaring the liven daylights out of me and I felt kind of stupid doing that 'wobbly relax come on in and do your worst' routine. But, I managed to try the technique without feeling too stupid and I have to say, the past 2 days have been great. Okay, had a bit of a wobble today but that was to be expected.

So, having listened to the audio again, it seems the key to breaking the anxiety is to accept the thoughts no matter how horrible they are becasue the anxiety breeds on fear.

Its weird but i'm hopeful for the future. I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. Last night I went to a 50th birthday party after trying the technique and didn't feel the high level of anxiety I usually felt in social gatherings in case pager went off after. Felt a bit weird this morning when I knew I had to go to an inlaw dinner with relatives from another country and it was in a pub which is part of the agrophobia I have in relation to my rescue service work.(pub meant pager going of which put me on high state of alert which inroduced stress hence anxiety). I tried they technique again when the anxiety started to surface and low and behold, I was siting in the pub having my dinner with inlaws and relations. Yes, there was a wee bit of a strangeness there but no where near what I was usually experiencing and for one, I thought to myself, this is looking good.

Whether this works for everybody is open but I would definetly recommend trying it. Get a hold of the audio files and listen to them.

I just thought I would share this with people who are suffering and possibly still looking for help. I post updates as to how I am getting on.


06-08-09, 00:30
Just back from Holiday. All in all, a good holiday with a wee bit of anxiety on a couple of occasions but from what I can see, the anxiety is down to me feeling as though I have to be constantly doing something. I don't have the same levels of anxiety cus I've been listening to the audio files and putting it all into practice. Most of my issues at the moment seem to be tirdness. The pub issue is still lurking in the background but I've decided to tackle that by introducing myself gradually back into pub life.

I've now got another problem to solve. Do I go back to my part time job in the rescue services or cut my losses and run. for once, I'm not admitting defeat which in itself has lessened the anxiety levels. In total, I've done 17 years in 2 services so I figure I've done my bit for the community. If more members of the team pulled their weight, I probably wouldn't have got myself into the mess I did. Part of me wants to go back but part of me is basically - SCARED - in that there is a possibilty that I'll have a relapse which could make things even worse because I've heard that attitudes haven't changed. Whether 6 months is an acceptable break I'm not sure but I was asked indirectly my intentions and felt compelled to give an answer. I don't blame the boss cus I believe his position has been a 'poisoned chalice' which has been compounded by a very experienced member also calling it a day.

I have a month to decide but really don't know what to do. It's not my bread and butter job but realistically, 6 - 8 months until the incident at hand, I wasn't enjoying it so what makes me think going back is going to be any different.

Thoughts appreciated!


06-08-09, 09:24
just been reading all about you i to find it hard to say no i say yes all the time even wen i mean no as for the job i would be to afaraid to say wich way you should go but me myself if i had come as far as you i would want to stop myself from takeing to much on ever again like you say you ave done yr share for the comunity let some one else do it for a change any way take care what ever you decied to do trish x

06-08-09, 10:26
Cheers Trish1955

It's a difficult one to call. I'm not going back to my original position - someone else can take on that role but I don't think there will be many takers - may be wrong but I know one guy who temporarily took over my position has finally thrown in the towel and left so it doesn't bode well.

My anxieties are gradually decreasing using the Dr Weekes methods and at the moment, I'm just having a slight problem with tirdness and achy musceles in my legs. The problem seems to occurr more in the morning just before I get up but I think subconsciously I think it is becasue I am mulling over my decision about going back to my part time job which is keeping my nerves stimulated and sensitised. I think I need to make that decision soon but I'm worried I'll make the wrong decision as I did enjoy the work until the problems started. My problems were related to other members of the team not pulling their weight and over time, myself and a few other were relied on more and more to the point that it took over my life. I don't blame my boss for one minute. He did his best to sort the problems out but wasn't getting any help from management. They actually compounded the problems by telling us their hands were tied. Any other service would have thrown the book at them.


06-08-09, 10:39
bless aye just make the choice thats right for you at this time who knows later down the line you might be in a postion to go bk there under diffrent light of things time will tell
i no the achey feelings in a morning i even ave jaw ache under m feet even i always say i feel like i ave been hit by a bus in a morning i hate morning any way as soon as i wake my anxiety kicks in setting myself up for the day i started with my panic attacks at the age of 12 bk in 60s never heard of them so no one new what was wrong with me they was looking for somthing physical and not in my head
overr the years i ave had times were at as lifted enough to marry 3 times and had 6 lovely kids but theses past years ave been bad well since my dad died in 2000 he was my rock bless him i ave wanted to downlaod the clair weeks things but it as been took of here now
so dont no were i can get it from any way hun take care and you rember do what right for you trish x

08-08-09, 00:51
Cheers Trish1955..

I sent you a PM. If you are interested, let me know and I'll set it up.


08-08-09, 19:48

Not having a great(ish) day today. Have been feeling nervously all day because I feel I have to make a decision on whether or no to give up my part time job. Part of me wants to becasue I know nothing has changed and I could end up back at square one and worse off. The other part of me thinks 'what am I going to do with all that free time' and that is worrying me a bit even though I know there is plenty for me to do.

If I could also work out the social issue associated with my problem, then I'd be halfway there. I'm not quite sure if it is a social issue or just an issue relating to my experiences. Basically, I get nervous going out to the pub. Even though I've been out of it for 6 months, I can't quite shake the anxiety when I go out to the pub becasue subconsciously my brain must be associating pub with pager. I don't seem to have a problem elsewhere unless I am feeling tired. Even though I am going down to a friends house, which I normally don't mind, becasue I'm so tired due to how I've felt today, I don't really feel like going which has kicked in a bit of more anxiety but I am going to go anyway to try and program my brain and nerves that all is okay.

Oh the joys of anxiety


20-08-09, 11:38
Hi All..

Went down to friends house and all went okay. Since that night 2 weeks ago things were pretty good. Anxiety levels went way down until yesterday when I received a group text from my part time job telling the that visitors from head office where coming to the station. Initially it didn't bother me until subconsciously I must have been thinking about it because this morning I work up with a bit of anxiety and it has been with me most of the morning and the only thing I can tie it to is the text message. I still have the decision to make as to whether I go back and having spoken to another guy who left a few weeks ago, it looks like I am going to be going back to the same old stuff.

Part of my silly worry is what will I do with myself if I leave? I like the actual work but not the fact that only a small group of us seem to be doing all the work which puts a lot of pressure on us. I'm unfortunately not the type to say NO and if I go back, for sanity purposes, I'm going to have to start saying NO.

I probably will go back for a trial period and see how it goes then make my decision.

Anxiety is a real drag!!
