View Full Version : Lymph node on head??

20-07-09, 03:43
Do you guys know if there are lymph nodes on the back side of your head...like on your skull? I have been a bad girl today and started prodding and found a very small lump on my right side. There is not one on the left. I am not sure if it is a lymph node or if I just have a bumpy skull.

My fear is HIV so when I feel that I get scared that even though I have had a - test, maybe it was wrong or maybe I got tainted blood in a surgery or maybe my hubby has always had it and just never gave it to me until after my - test and now I have it and the disease is starting to show symptoms....if that were a lymph node swollen from HIV...they'd all swell right not just 1??

Some support and reassurance would be VERY appreciated....I see now this will be a sleeping pill night for me to get rest cause I'm starting to really get myself worked up :weep:

And....Im itchy too.....

20-07-09, 10:21
Hello sweetie

Sorry i have been away , i will pm you too!!

Yes it is possible to be either a bumpy skull , or a lymph nodes, but meither are important my dear mostly because you dont have HIV!!:)

I have a bump one side bit not the other as wel. I am thinking that having the bump is not the problem but looking for it was the problem!!

Itchy skin....me tooo.....stress causes that ....something to do with histamine and anxiety and hormones. One of my friends is covered in hives at the mo becuase she is in the middle of a divorce and is super anxious.

Your okay dear, promise


20-07-09, 16:01
Thanks LIsa, I am feeling a bit better today. I read last night here that many people have swollen nodes so that made me feel better. I also read that with HIV they get 1 inch or bigger and in atleast 4 spots on your body for more than 3 months. I just found this 1 and it is smaller than 1 cm if it is even a lymph node...I am not sure? Thanks for your reply though.....I would have really freaked if I came here and there were no replies.

20-07-09, 16:36
: o I have a bigger feeling sort of bump on one side of my skull too! I notcied this brshing my hair and I thought my head felt "heavier on one side" Blah.. So tumour worries started.

I am sure you are fine hun. My dad is bald and you should see his skull. He has bumps everywhere xxxx

20-07-09, 17:05
Thanks weemee!!!! I guess I just have a lumpy head...it is a little thing...like the size of my pinky finger around and hard. That is why I thought it was a lymph node.

20-07-09, 17:09
Yep ive loads, GP told me once they are normal. Don't worry.

20-07-09, 17:59
You have lymph nodes all over the shop,and because they can swell sometimes the usual big "C" thoughts creep into my head.. I had one swell behind my ear at the back of the head a fe wmonths back and it started creeping me out.

When I oticed the bigger type lump onthe back of my head(which still occasionally freaks me out but only hwen I prod for it) I freaked myself out that much that I felt my whole head swell at the back and horrible pressure which no doubtedly was anxiety but I got worse associating it with this lump which I think is normal!

Ths bloody HA really has us all like little hamsters running on our wheels,just going round round and round! xx

20-07-09, 18:18
Aimee and Weemee, thanks SO much! I have been doing good...and now I am kicking myself for even prodding at my head to begin with! My hubby thinks I am a NUT!! He told me last night he feels like I just look for things to worry about. Thanks so much for both of your reassuarnaces. I feel better knowing that it is normal.

20-07-09, 18:32
It's fine petal,my boyfriend says that also,he says I wouldn't be happy unless there was something to worry or moan about! And I think he has a point lol.

The best of it is,until we find something that sets us off,nothing would have been wrong in the first place,we just go looking,I'm doing it at the moment and I know it's wrong! x

20-07-09, 20:33
yup, everyday I either worry or fuss or do both about something. He tells me he does not need to wrry because I worry for all of us. How true! Thanks for your kind words!