View Full Version : SO SPACED OUT

21-09-05, 15:37
Hi Everyone

Been doing really well since my mentoring, little acheivments every day, been on my water tabs for 2 weeks now ( still not happy taking them ) for the past 2 days have felt sort of strange not anxious but weird and spaced out I am really trying now to accept the feelings, went for a walk outside on my own really hard and for a drive with Nic, then we went for a walk down the bottom of our field didnt panic ( although legs are a bit weak now ) but its still there I suppose its unreality although it feels different. Why am I getting this when I was doing so well, could it be the water tabs making me feel funny? feel like I am going to lose all I have gained. Does anyone else feel like this after such a good spell ?

Barb xxx

21-09-05, 15:47
Hi Barb

You may be different from me,but when i took water tablets i felt spaced out and very dizzy. Dr says they made my blood pressure go too low.So it could be that or it could be anxiety,either way you will be fine,ita a horrible feeling i know.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Hunny x

21-09-05, 16:03

Its worth going to get your blood pressure checked to make sure you're not on too much and have now got a lowered blood pressure instead which will make you dizzy.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-09-05, 16:16
Meg I have only been on the full tab for 5 days and I have my own monitor and its still quite high in the day , then normal at night should that happen? tabs 2 1/2 mgs just 1 a day

Barb xxxx

21-09-05, 16:43
The idea is to even it out and keep it fairly consistent over the day so it might need a dose tweak.

I expect you're already keeping a diary of the readings to show the GP. You can write bits beside it to show him when you were dizzy etc so you can see if there is a correlation or whether it is anxiety after all.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-09-05, 16:53
Thanks Meg I will do that. I did phone him last week and told him they were making me panic and he said to stop them for a month and we would go from there, but I decided to be brave and to carry on taking them ( he doesnt know that) but I will phone him when I run out.

Barb xxx

22-09-05, 15:46
Barb, don't let this BOOGY MAN win!! You are on the right track 100%. No one likes those set backs after feeling good but our nervous system has been sooooo sensitized by fear and months, year of anxiety that even though you ARE ACCEPTING YOUR SYMPTOMS or ADDING any more negative thoughts it will take TIME for your body to register this new mood of acceptance and still flash the symptoms of the old mood of fear and anxiety. Keep accepting even when the symptoms are worse than ever. Sometimes they have no rhyme or reason ...they just get worse for no reason even through that ACCEPT ACCEPT and do not add any neg. emotion to it. Don't let these wierd symptoms no matter how horrible they are throw you anymore, they can't hurt us and they have no medical significance,......so continue accepting and letting more time pass and you will get there. Does this help you?

Elise Monte

26-09-05, 20:05
Thanks Elise

Yes that did help, I go through good spells and constantly accept everything and still like you say it comes back from knowhere worse than ever and I feel myself spiral down againI know I have to carry on accepting even then but its so hard and sometimes like now I forget to do it
ACCEPT ACCEPT from now on