View Full Version : Cold burning feet?

20-07-09, 04:26
Lately on and off I have noticed my feet are freezing, last week I went to the beach and my feet felt a little weird and were very cold. Forgot about it until today my feet keep going really cold and then i stick them under a blanket and then they feel like they are on fire...anyone ever deal with this? Also it feels like my toes are almost cramping up and they hurt on and off, almost feel swollen but don't look swollen! Driving me crazy and of course when I google it, it comes up with diabetes, etc...so now I am worrying. Also, all day my ankle and leg have been achy and hurting on and off and I have had tingling in my upper lip and tip of my tongue. Driving myself crazy over here!

20-07-09, 04:32
Yes that is one thing i have along with my other many symptoms, I always seem to have cold feet and sometimes cold hands as well, tho that aint one of my worrying symptoms i panic over, difficulty breathing and constant muscle twitching is the things i panic over all the time.

20-07-09, 13:12

Maybe your feet are a bit cooler becuase you are stressed and your body is in fright or flight adrenaline mode making the blood go to your muscles more than your extremities? That would tie in with your tingly lip and tongue and also the ahcey feeling inyour muscles. And also the more you worry about it the worse it will get i think . I have been having this too, tingling on top lip and i also get an itchy tingle on the tip of my nose as well.

I bet thats all it is sweetie, try to put your mind onto something else


21-07-09, 01:41
does anyone know if a pinched nerve can make your foot hurt and feel numb?

21-07-09, 10:27
does anyone know if a pinched nerve can make your foot hurt and feel numb?
Absolutely. I have a numb sore toe just now and the doctor says its becuae the shoes i have been wearing are pushing the toes together and squashing the nerve and it can take ages to settle down after stopping wearing the shoes.


21-07-09, 11:50
i suffer with really cold feet and like you when they start to warm up they feel like they r burning, ive had this for awhile now, never been to the doc about it tho, a friend said it could be raynards (dont know if thats spelt right!!!) its when your hands and feet r cold then really hot, but im not sure. as for the tingling lip and tongue thats a sign of anxiety which you r suffering because you are worrying about your feet. i also get this when im highly stressed and worrying. take care debs. xxxx

16-01-15, 05:07
does anyone know if a pinched nerve can make your foot hurt and feel numb?
yes it can

---------- Post added at 05:07 ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 ----------

a pinched nerve can cause this phenamina is called ''tursal tunnel syndrome''.

16-01-15, 12:01
I get cold feet and hands from anxiety

18-01-15, 16:23
one of the cause of burning feet is HIV did anybody know that?