View Full Version : I feel so sick & stupid

20-07-09, 14:21
Hi all, i just googled the symptoms of MS :( god knows why and now i feel sick to my stomach. It says that you could have MS if you have these symptoms then lists them and i have.

Constant Twitches in my legs, sometimes else where but mainly legs ( have posted about before)

Ocasional buzzing feeling in my legs like a deep vibrating - cannot feel it with my hands

Wake up with a numb left hand although i sleep on that side only. I have noticed my twitches calm down when i manage to take my mind off them but i cant be sure that there not still there im just not noticing them. i am so so scared again :( Does this sound like MS?

Im not going to my doctor as he is a compelete idiot


20-07-09, 14:44
But those symptoms sound like anxiety.

20-07-09, 14:51

Im really sure that its not MS. Sounds like anxiety and all the lovely stuff that comes with it. The thing is im thinking that a person with MS probably would not have the intense anxiety that you have nor the hard time proving their ilness to a doctor. Sounds more like anxiety to me. You know it totally makes you acutely aware of body sensations that are always there and harmless. Also it seems to focus on the things that freak you out the most. Personally it wasnt until it started shifting from illness to illness for me that I started to suspect anxiety was at the root of it not ilness. Its like i was 100% certain I had thyroid cancer and lymphoma - although not at the same time! and then hiv until the tests were negative but now i doubt the tests agggggggggggh!

I think you didnt help yourself today by looking up the symptoms. Youve really scared yourself and given yourself hard work calming back down again to come back to the same point that you were at before you did the needless checking on the net about symptoms - You dont have it, you really dont.

I think your doc might be an idiot in some areas of life - maybe social skills- mine is anyway!! But for sure he or she knows what their job is - they wouldnt be where they are if they werent. They would have been fished out and sacked long before becoming a GP!!


20-07-09, 16:21
As I have said before I worry about MS all the time. I get tingling mainly in my right hand and leg, twitching all over especially my legs and eyes, ive also had the deep vibrating feeling that you can't touch with your hands. I convinced myself I had optic neuritis because of a pain i had in my eye. i often feel dizzy and a bit tipsy. All of these symptoms come and go and are especially prominent when i have had a stressful time.
ive been seen by a GP and neurologist who have both said im fine its not MS but anxiety but i still don't believe them, on the days when i convince myself that it is MS and not anxiety!! Its a vicious cycle.
Try to take some comfort from the fact that loads of us on here will have or do worry about MS at some point, we are all experiencing the same symptoms yet none of us (as far as i am aware!) have MS!!
Try to relax, do some deep breathing and stay away from GOOGLE!!!
hope this helps xxx
Hope this helps

22-07-09, 10:59
thanks all they are bad again today :weep: :weep: sick of it

22-07-09, 11:11
Have you read this post ..


I get the leg twitches and numb arm/hand too - I assumed it was the medication I am on so don't worry about it.

22-07-09, 11:34
thanks nicola, im not on any medication. I just having a really bad day and every time i stand up my left leg trembles inside and im panicing. i cant help think its bad xx

22-07-09, 11:46
Oh probably a trapped nerve maybe?