View Full Version : hate my dizziness, how to stop dizziness outof balance feeling, is it becos of not

20-07-09, 16:30
i dont' know why i am having this again, it is so frightening experience, the worst is i repeat the dizziness part and can't balance, i feel i am walking standing, but i can't stand too long or walk, i feel so out of balance, like having to sit quickly or i lose control. then i got this suddnely weak , trembling leg and tremblng heart, i don't know what cause allthis, the whole day tdy i am happy, relax, suddenly evening it attack me. at first if eel so so sleepy drowsy, then start dizziness, giddy then i am scared, worried, then start all of these,. why can't i live normal life like other people, they don't feel anything, when i ask them, most of them saynever got this before. why am i the one? i need to be strong for my self, my kids, my kid is going downwards becos i cna't teach them a thing, i am always rushing to see doctor, thinking worrying abt my heath, hate my dizzeines.

can someone pls teach tell me, just how and what can stop my dizziness?
is it becos of not enogjh sleep?

20-07-09, 17:05

Dizziness can be from a few different things & can also plain & simple be anxiety. Its always good to know what it is that is causing your anxiety? For instance at the moment mine is a labrynthtis viral infection.
See your Gp & try and get a ENT referal to rule out any middle ear complaints.
However you must try & relax as stress & anxiety worsens dizziness despite is origin.

Nic xx

20-07-09, 17:08
Correct breathing will help it as well.

22-07-09, 00:30
I can relate to this as I have had this dizziness for 3 weeks and have had 2 doctors out. They both said it's panic but this is the worst have ever had it. It starts as soon as I get out of bed. I feel like I am going over sideways and have to hold on to furniture. It's there when I am sitting well as standing. Wasn't offerred any extra medication. Just told to keep going as much as poss but am really bad when outside. I feel as if I am scuttling along sideways like a crab. Hope it soon goes.:shrug:

22-07-09, 03:34
wow my panic attack, anxiety is getting worse last night got attack, the worst is i feel giddy theni am so scared, myheart beat fast and i lose control. i hate it,i ahve been having giddy since 4days ago, why? could it be not enough sleep? can not enough sleep cos me to be dizzy, help>>>>

22-07-09, 12:18
Hi all, I have had a good few weeks and last night out of nowhere my head started hurting, dizziness, head buzzing and feeling sick. Was alright this morning but over the last hour it has all come back again, and my head feels like its swimming. Do any of you guys feel really sick with your dizziness?

22-07-09, 14:10
Alba, not so long ago I experienced horrible dizziness. This lasted about a month!! I went to one doctor who told me it was anxiety and gave me meds, which I didn't take. I then went to another doctor for a second opinion and when I told him my story, he knew right away that my situation was caused by delayed grief. He suggested I take an antihistimine which did help with the symptom (ask your doctor if you can take Benadryl or something), but when he got to the root cause of my anxiety, it went away and I haven't had such a prolonged experience since. What has been going on with you that has triggered this? It sounds like you are on the hamster wheel going in circles and can't get off the ride. You are focusing too much on the symptom and not why you are experiencing it. All our symptoms stem from a trigger (maybe yours could be something simple like exhaustion! However, your lack of sleep is caused by a trigger, too . . . ). But, on the hamster wheel, it looks like this: trigger=anxiety=dizziness=more anxiety. See if you can go back and find out what the trigger was/is and see if it is something you can resolve now, or if it will take some patience. You will be fine. If it does keep up, I would suggest seeing your doctor, but othewise, I just think you are fixated on this symptom and not the cause and it is making it worse and last. Please let me know how you are doing. Hugs, Wiskers ~

23-07-09, 02:34
this monring all ok, suddenly while i am doing my work typing, i felt sudden sweaty so hot sweating feeling, and then i feel a bit dizzsy, like wanting to faint, why? is it anixety attack too? it just happen, i am so scared now, what is this, anybody suffer this, what should i do< i am so scared,.

23-07-09, 02:35
this monring all ok, suddenly while i am doing my work typing, i felt sudden sweaty so hot sweating feeling, and then i feel a bit dizzsy, like wanting to faint, why? is it anixety attack too? it just happen, i am so scared now, what is this, anybody suffer this, what should i do< i am so scared,.before that i feel heat beat fast,

23-07-09, 02:37
could it be this morning i ate hotcakes with hotcakes a bit of hotcakes syrup and a cup of hot tea.will it go away, or could it be eyestrain?

23-07-09, 13:22
Alba -- there have been times when I have been on the computer and started getting dizzy. If you are already dizzy, it makes it worse. Eye strain is a possibility, but for me it was all the scrolling up and down that bothered me -- especially when I scrolled and the page didn't move but my mind and eyeballs were ready to move with the page. That gets me everytime! Honey, you are just too focused on this symptom. I think you are constantly checking yourself -- I do it, too, and it makes things so much worse. The important thing again is to get to the root of the problem -- your symptoms are generated by some other trigger/stressor. Once you can go back and find out what that is and deal with it, you won't feel so bad anymore. Hugs, Wiskers ~

24-07-09, 01:15
last night after applying face soap to wash my face, i applied all over my face, suddenly i get this feeling of scared, so scared to wash off the soap from my face, as i splash water onto my face, wow i suddenly cannot breathe, i feel i am drowning, even worst i am so scared ofsplashing more water on my face to wash away my soap, the more i splashthe moer i cannot breathe, feeling like i am drowning, worst when i shower my face i cannot fbreathe, i must take cotton to wipe my soap, what is happening?

why am i always scared

24-07-09, 17:19
Alba, you are always scared because you are not dealing with the real issue at hand. Sweetie, my heart goes out to you. In a matter of days or hours you are posting about another symptom. It is getting out of control for you. You are in agony! There is nothing physically wrong with you. You have been to the doctor and they aren't overly concerned. What is going on in your life right now that is so stressful or painful? You need to look on the outside instead of on the inside and figure this out. There is something much larger here you are either afraid or just don't know how to deal with. You just have to face it, otherwise, all this will continue to haunt you. Please let me know how you are doing and feel free to PM me anytime you just need to talk, ok? Hugs, Wiskers~

24-07-09, 19:26
Alba, another thought just occurred to me . . do you think you might be OCD? I ask because I can get so fixated on my symptoms and that's all I can think about or deal with. It consumes my life when it happens. I am more O than C, but I do have components of both. What do you think? Hugs, Wiskers ~

26-07-09, 18:15
i constantly feel off balance. you begin to forget whether its the anxiety thats causing that or the anxiety about feeling off balance. its chicken and egg. how can you stop worrying until you feel better?