View Full Version : Hoping this will help

20-07-09, 16:34
I can upon this site while looking for how to deal with panic attacks during pregnancy. I'm almost 9 weeks and having severe panic/ anxiety attacks. I've had them on and off for years and at one time I was taking Paxil but got off it since it didn't seeem to help that much. So much has happened over the last few years, I'm not sure where to start. Like a lot of people I'm terrified of dying and I have attacks about that. I get to thinking about it and just go into overload. Almost 5 years ago my dad passed away from a major heart attack and for a while after that I got over the attacks. Sounds stupid but, I somehow made myself believe that I would see him again when I died and I was fine after that. I could deal with death then, but somehow I've lost that and don't know how to get it back. I realize that in the past 3 years my life has changed a lot. I got divorced after 16 years and 4 kids, verbally abusive relationship and now I'm remarried to a wonderful man. This pregnancy was a suprise and not unwanted but after I found out I started having bad thoughts. I'm too old (36),Thinking I'm having heart problems(they run in my dads family). In general I think I'm dying all the time and so tense, sick, heart palpatations, heat flashes, shaking, that I can't function and I'm afraid of hurting my baby. I've been to the dr twice and the ER once both have done EKG's the dr office came up inconclusive and the ER dr said it was a little off for a person my age but he did blood work too and it all came up normal. So he doesn't think anything is wrong with my heart. But did say I might get a heart valve test to assure myself all is well and with my condition, age, and family history. Sort of made me feel better but not much. Has anyone else had this happen with an EKG? So now until my insurance card arrives I'm trying to deal with this myself and I really don't want even after to take drugs because of the baby. So I guess I'm looking for people to talk to and help keep me calm.

20-07-09, 17:01
Hi Melissa,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support. Congratulations on your pregnancy. By the way, when I was pregnant my anxiety went through the roof and I had my second child when I was 34 so don't worry about your age. Try and focus on what happiness you have today in the present and not the ("what if's). That is how I get by day to day. The best of luck to you and your new family.

Take care,


20-07-09, 17:49
Hi and:welcome: to NMP Melissa.You will find lots of support here and theres plenty of good info on the main menu as well. Luv Suex

20-07-09, 17:54
Hi Melissa.

Congratulations on being pregnant! I did have a weird ecg once. I was even told I might have a condition called Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome. However once they did much more further tests it turned out that I was slightly off because I hyperventilate - due to anxiety. So now I know the palpitations and stuff are because of anxiety.

So do have the other tests to make sure but try not to worry as anxiety can affect our bodies in so many ways.

20-07-09, 18:42
Thanks for replying. I know my worries are most likely silly and I hyperventilated too during the tests. So hopefully your right and that's all it is. I just want to feel somewhat nornal again and be excited about the baby. Hopefully soon. It's comforting to know that other people have the same thing and I'm not alone.