View Full Version : Please please read and help,it's all about the breasts :(

20-07-09, 16:51
I went to the doctors a few days ago and I still don't know waht's wrong. I tried to explain that the pain got worse when I was due my period but that I have had it when not due period too and he mentioned about referring me to the breast clinic but then he felt about obviously which was embarassing but I think I got to the point that I didn't care,cause I jsut want to be better and as he pressed about in my left breast it was agony,the right one was too but not really anything bad,more like normal breast tenderness with period pains.

He pressed round at my rib,near my armpit and I screamed : O he got me to si tup and he pressed round my back at my ribs and some on the left side were sore and again he pressed a part and I yelped a bit. He said that it should die down and that it sounded maybe like my chest wall and that there were "no discreet lumps" there that he could feel and that boobs get lumpy when women are menstruating anyways but to go back in ten days time.. :(

What does discreet lumps mean? :weep: I'm coming off my period and the breast pain towards the left side of my actual breast isn't as sore but my shoulder,underarm,down my left arm to the elbow and right under my breast at the bone when I press is agony and I think that is where all the pain is originating from. I am TERRIFIED THIS IS CANCER! :weep: Also a certain way I move my back or rib or something "clicks" . My left nipple also looks a certain way sometimes,like puckered up at a bit and smooth at the other and I keep focusing on this too. I keep going into the bathroom and lifitng my top up! :ohmy:

I have atickly cough that disappears when I get predisolone but comes back.I have asthma. Is this related? I have it in my head it cold be lung cancer or something aswell. I really am driving myself "bonkers" as dizzee rascal Says .

Help please. I have to go back to docs in about a week and I am feeling myseslf getting worked up to the heavens.

I dunno what to do at all. xxxxxxxxxx

20-07-09, 17:25
Hello Wee-Mee,

I have been following your thread, and can understand how worried you are feeling, especially since you haven't yet been given a reason for your pain; it is always a tense time when you have to wait a while before going back to the doctor. From how you have described your symptoms it definitely seems to me you have some thing that is either muscular or perhaps caused by a trapped nerve - the fact that it is particularly painful when you press in certain areas tends to confirm this, and also because you feel a clicking when you move in a certain way. It is perfectly normal for breasts to become lumpy and painful prior to a period, and this condition has obviously added to the discomfort you are feeling. He has felt your breasts and cannot feel any lumps, I suppose by discreet he means any apparent lump - in other words he can't feel any lumps. As you know nipples change according to temperature or touch, and it is quite normal for one part of the same nipple to be flat and another area to be puckered, so there is nothing usual there. Cancer would have to be at a very advanced stage to be causing the sort of pain you are describing, and there certainly would be a very large lump to be felt in your breast by now. Your tickly cough i am sure is related to your asthma - most certainly not lung cancer - with the discomfort you are feeling you would most definitely be experiencing much more than a tickly cough. I do know how difficult it is not to have these awful thoughts, and how hard it is to calm down especially when you have a physical symptom which keeps on putting the thought in your head. I am sure it is some sort of muscular tension, and hopefully the doctor will be able to sort it out for you.

20-07-09, 18:30
Weemee- have you ever heard of fybrocystic breasts? What it basically means is that you have lumpy boobs. I have them and so does my mom and grandma. For the most part, they are painless. But I have had some that hurt pretty bad and my mom and gran both had 2 removed and drained. They can be painful and I know that caffiene and stress makes them worse. Do you intake a lot of caffiene? You may want to limit that if you are and try to relax a bit. It is not something that can kill you, but it can cause pain. I hope I have helped....it is more than likely not cancer. Have you ever had a mamogram done on your breasts? I know here you have to be in your 40s for that so I have never had one, but I do have bumpy boobs and my boobs do hurt more right before my period (which is hormonal....and stress makes the hormones in your body wacky which is why stress can make it worse) and they also hurt when I am stressed out...like I am now about that darn bump on my head...LOL.

20-07-09, 19:03
Rosie-thanks..again lol,you've been great with my boob issues,it's just freaking me out so much. I keep getting slices of rationalism creeping in like,"Amy,if it was cancer,you would be sicker by now" but then cancer can be there for ages and no one knows! :weep:

stressed:no I haven't had a mammogram,I'm 22 and I feel ancient with all this worry. I haven't heard of the fibrocystic breasts. But I wonder maybe.. As for the caffeine..GOOD.GOD. I drink far too much coffee it is rediculous. Though past week or so I have tried to cut back.

It's just such a strange pain. and there's strange clicking occasionally. and the front of my chest at my breast bone is starting to hurt a bit. I just feel like I need to stretch to crack a bone or something and it isn't happening.

And earlier my mum asked me to help he ropen a jar of pickles as she has arthritus and I tried with my left arm which is sore and I did something and I hurt it like hell andit went through all that is sore just now. My arm feels really weak! I need to wait til next week to go to docs again but I am scared that the pain all doesn't go away which is what he is thinking will happen. :weep: xx

20-07-09, 19:25
Just keep on holding on to your glimpses of rationalism and try to build on them. One rational thought you should hold on to is this - you are right it is true cancer can be present for a long time Before symptoms become apparent, but with the level of discomfort you are feeling now it would be in the advanced stages, and there would definitely be a lump to be felt.

You are so young Wee-Mee, and my heart goes out to you and all other sufferers - I wish there were words of comfort which could take the misery away. I am sure it is a muscular problem, and certain it is nothing sinister.

20-07-09, 19:41
Hey Wee,

Ive been havind a hard time just now with a few things, my right breast especially the armpit and the top and side of it is quite painful at the moment. Ihave finished my period and when it first started was about 8 days into my new cycle.
Now i saw my doctor about this , he had a really good feel and said he couldn't feel anything lumps or things to suggest anything untoward , as i have posted before about a fear of inflammatory breast cancer. I asked if it could be hormonal and he said yes and it is possible to have one or both breasts affected by this, as some months im fine , and ive had this for at least a year on and off, so if anything was hiding i guess i'd be really ill by this time and things would be showing.
So logically if you or I had anything suspicious there would be definate red markers which we obviously dont have, although when i get the pain it still does really scare me.
Its weird though as ive also got a tickly cough at the moment and like you am thinking all sorts, bp/lungs ( as i used to have a smoke yrs ago , only when i had a drink ).
I think the best thing to do is just to check once a month to see if anything changes and if it does i know just to go to my doctor, im sure you are fine and breast pain is incredibly common. I'm trying evening primrose supplements as they helped me the last time, maybe give them a go. Take care and dont worry, hard i know xxxx