View Full Version : Noise in ear

20-07-09, 17:06
I noticed 3 days ago when I was chewing that my right ear had a loud noise in it, I don't notice it when I yawn or talk, only when I chew. It is like something is rubbing on the drum, like 2 things are rubbing together, or maybe like something swishing down there, not sure, hard to explain, lol!

I am not in pain or anything, I have recently come back from Spain where it was very hot and I do suffer with my sinuses occasionally but never have trouble with my ear like this, so odd.

I was very stressed last week, I thought at first it could be TMJ, would that cause anything like this in the ear? I had alot of tension heads last week. I have no fever or pain so I don't think its an ear infection.

I am seeing my GP in a weeks time for some iron so shall mention it when I go then but a tad worried what it could be, I am so stressed right now, lol!:blush:

20-07-09, 17:08
I get a certain thing in my right ear that is like a swishing pulsating type thing and when I lie on the same side,it's almost like the sound of my pulse or heartbeat in my ear! Is this the same sorta thing you are talking about?? when I get anxious,it seems to get louder and more pronounced x

20-07-09, 17:10
No its not pulsing at all, it is only when i chew. It is like as my jaw opens and closes it makes a sound? like rubbing or something. It is quite loud and only one the right side really.

20-07-09, 17:16
Hi Aimee,

I would say it is TMJ but that you can usually hear that when you open your mouth wide, then again, you might be in the early stages of it. The only other thing I thought of would be your bite could be off (teeth wise). I would suggest going to a dentist as they would be the ones to diagnose both issues or not. I have both of these problems plus the constant ringing in the ears so I know that a dentist is the one to go to. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


20-07-09, 17:45
Thanks Laura,

I suffer with tinitus and pressure in the right ear on and off aswell, GP says my ear is fine though and I have been to ENT.

I do have sinus issues but I have never had this ear thing before. When I open my mouth and close it I do hear this noise, it is just louder when I chew?

20-07-09, 18:23
Hi Aimee- TMJ causes more of a popping in your jaw that you hear in your ear...but you feel it in your jaw. Do you feel your bone popping or do you just hear it? It may be fluid on your estation (sp?) tube. Sinuses drain allthrough our ears and sometimes the fluid gets backed up and causes wierd things. You can try to take Sudafed...a decongestant...which will dry that fluid up. Since it is louder when you chew...I would bet it is your jaw popping. This is caused from stress because you tend to tighten your jaw at night in your sleep. I get it on the left side and it comes and goes and it so much worse when I chew gum. If it is TMJ, the only thing they do is give you a splint for you to wear at night or put braces on your teeth if it gets to be painful. Try to relax and see if it goes away.

20-07-09, 19:33
I was under alot of stress last week due to alot of family things going on and I found myself feeling very tense in my head.

I was just worrying if it was my sinuses again but ive no fever or facial pain.

20-07-09, 19:33
Sorry forgot to add, no I don't feel the bone popping, it feels more like 2 bones are grinding together as I chew?? I also hear it when I just open my mouth and close it again.

20-07-09, 20:58
This is worrying me now, just ate my tea and it was really loud in my right ear. I can't see my GP until Monday, hope it isn't an infection or anything. I am not in pain though so hopefully not.

21-07-09, 00:37
if you are hearing it when you open your mouth and it sounds like grinding together it is your jaw bones grinding together....tmj....and can be made worse during stress. It sounds like inside your ears b/c your jaw is right there by your ears. If it were a serious anything in your ear it would hurt....think about minor ear infections and how badly they hurt.....if you have ever had an earache you know what I mean. It is TMJ. I also had this one time with pain in my face. For me it gets worse with stress so try to relax so you don't grind your teeth tonight. You can sleep with a tooth whitneing tray in your mouth and that will help. Also, try a few Advil and try to relax. It will pass. If it is not gone in a week or gets worse you can call your dentist but all they do is place braces on teeth or give you one of those things football players stick in their mouths for you to sleep with. My aunt had it and had to sleep with that thing. You can get them at sporting goods stores for cheap. Good luck and let me know how it is tomorrow.

21-07-09, 08:16
Thanks, I think it might be TMJ but I am going to see GP today to see what he thinks, if it is trhen I am going to book into the dentist, am due a check up anyway.

I am so stressed at the moment.

21-07-09, 10:36

You have alymph node just infront of your ear, kind of on the jaw joint and maybe that is slightly swollen and causing the noise. My dad has this ear problem too and the doc told him that his 'bite' had changed whatever that means?


21-07-09, 20:39
Hi Lisa,

No gland raised there. Saw GP today and he said that my ear was fine, nothing wrong at all. He thinks it is TMJ, I have had this in the past where my jaw siezed up for a week or 2. My jaw is fine, no stiffness but as the noise is just infront of the ear he thinks it is my jaw that is the problem.

What can I do about it? he wasn't helpful at all.