View Full Version : could i have a brain tumour

20-07-09, 17:19
hey, sorry for writing another post on this but i just really need to know what u think. my symptoms are as follows: -

- i have had a headache on and off for three days, right now it has turned into a migraine.
- i feel sick.
- i feel dizzy.
- generaly don't feel well.

please reply, let me know what u think?

Love Louise XX

20-07-09, 17:21
do you suffer with anxiety?

20-07-09, 17:26
yes i do. i feel awful, my head is pounding and i feellike i'm burning up. i'm so scared. it must be a brain tumour.

20-07-09, 17:33
Sounds viral or migraine hun they can last days

20-07-09, 17:45
you don't think its a tumour? my head is pounding. any advice on how to deal with it?

20-07-09, 17:54
No hun i don't

Take ibuprofen & paracetamol together 4hrly or is if poss codeine.

20-07-09, 18:01

Calm down. You've just described how I feel when my allergies are out of control or when I've got a really bad hangover.

20-07-09, 18:14
Do you get probs with your sinuses petal?? I can get like this alot and I have hayfever and bad sinus probs.and ofcourse the anxiety! x

20-07-09, 18:27
Pain from a brain tumor is a sudden pain without warning, it doesn't develop over a few days. It is a common misconception that brain tumor cause horrible headaches..this is not true they usually cause no pain at all. What you are describing sounds more like a allergy/sinus induced migraine that is made worse with anxiety. Try to relax...sounds weird but cut a green apple in half and smell it. It may help with the head ache. A little aromatherapy and it wont hurt you in anyway. If you continue with migraines and are really worried go to your doctor and ask to have a CT scan or a MRI to rule out a tumor that way you will have a peace of mind.

20-07-09, 19:22
Have you taken your temp to see if you do have a fever??? You could have a viral infection as these can give you terrible headaches/dizziness etc

20-07-09, 22:12
hey, no i havn't taken my temp as i dont have anything to take it with. i am feeling a bit better now, the migraine has cleared up, i do have a slight headache and some sinus pain but nothing compared to what it was. the dizziness is still there as well.

21-07-09, 01:38
I know exactly what you're going through, I had a similar experience about a year and a half ago. I had terrible headaches, dizziness, nausea and a pounding heart beat. Going to sleep was terrible as I just lay there with the room spinning round me, and an awful pressure in my head. After googling and worrying about a brain tumour, I knew I needed to see a doctor ASAP or my anxiety would spiral out of control.

I urge you to do the same. Not out of fear of a tumour, but the more you worry the worse it will make you.

The doctor who saw me was lovely about it, and explained to me that headaches are almost never a sign of a brain tumour; other symptoms such as slurred speech, loss of certain senses/abilities. (This is done from memory, so apologies for the inaccuracies)

Basically, it was all down to anxiety. The doc checked for intercranial pressure by examining my eyes to see if there was anything causing the pressure I was feeling. Three days later, with rest and some reassurance, I had no more headaches and no more dizziness. I have had no reoccurance to this day.

Get yourself down to see your GP to get reassured and investigate the possibilities of sinus or ear infections, if anything at all.

Hope you start feeling better soon!

21-07-09, 16:40
My son was diagnosed with a brain tumour last year and although he was getting headaches they werent that severe or that often, he was squinting when watching telly so i had his eyes tested and the optician picked it up, this seems to be how they are generally picked up. Sounds like your headache is anxiety related but probably worth getting your eyes tested as eye strain can cause headaches as well, Pam

23-07-09, 20:14
hey again, i'm still suffering with the headaches. the pain seems to be on one side of head, its at the back of my head, round my eyes, down my face. painkillers aren't helping. could it be a brain tumour? i'm really freaking out. any advice?
please reply
love louise

23-07-09, 21:12
Sounds like sinus problems. I thought I had a brain tumour last year, turned out to be dodgy eyesight without glasses (which gave me eye symptoms) with sinusitis thrown in for good measure (which caused headaches). The sinusitus has recurred pretty much constantly for a year and sounds like the pain you describe. You can clear them out by inhaling steam through your nostrils, using vicks etc, see if that helps? Go and see a doctor if it will make you feel better.

Good luck.

23-07-09, 21:17
hey, i think it might be a blocked nose causing my sinus symptoms but to be honest its not just that. today i kept getting these weird like twinges in my head like a muscle spasm or something. also i feel really strange like i'm going to collapse and fall over. i can't walk in a straight line, i keep losing my balance, my head feels like its spinning. i mean anxiety can't cause this can it? i feel really unwell like i'm gonna be sick. i'm really scared, i'm gonna cry. any one else experienced this? sounds like a brain tumour doesn't it?
please reply
luv louise

23-07-09, 21:38
Louise - they are called head zaps and are harmless.

You could have an inner ear infection.

Anxiety can cause all of those things but so can a common cold too,

It DOESN'T sound like a brain tumour to me though.

23-07-09, 22:36

I just looked back over your posts and found one going back as far as 17th oct 2007 saying you must have a brain tumour.

You would be 100 times worse or dead by now over 1 year and 9 months so take reassurance from that at least.

23-07-09, 23:31

More than likely you have allergies just as most of us do...They are enough to make you feel like you have a tumor..But rest assured if what you are
feeling is a tumor i would have been dead over 40 years ago.

I grew up in a tropical climate that has millions of allergy irritants in it. The summers made me feel horrible until winter. I now live in an desert alpine valley full of worse irritants. I feel exactly as you do ..This year it seems like there have been more than usual pollens and things im allergic to.

I think for the most part you should listen to the person that said to take some medicine for it. Personally I can't deal with medicines so I have to grin and bear it .Just hang in there and winter will be here before you know it and then the weather systems will make you feel worse..lol.. Just kidding but your allergies will get better.

I was thinking last night , I never knew why I loved winter so much and realized in winter I come alive and feel great... a little cold but great..but no allergies.. Don't worry .. it will be fine..

24-07-09, 21:34
hey again, today i still have a headache so i've now had it pretty much for a week. i'm pretty sure its a tension headache as its round the back of my head and down my neck and also i have been pretty stressed with trying to get things sorted for uni, i've been fighting with my family a lot and i'm constantly thinking i must have a brain tumour. any advice for this?
please reply
luv louise X

24-07-09, 21:52
Do you get headaches from a brain tumor?? from what i have heard you don't normally (well depends where the tumor is i suppose)

24-07-09, 22:06
Louise - I keep offering advice and you keep ignoring it - what more can I do to be honest.

Go and see your doctor and get a good back and neck massage and make sure you are drinking enough water

25-07-09, 07:23
Well if you have been getting headaches etc since 17th oct 2007 there is no way you have a brain tumour.

25-07-09, 14:02
Hey, i know i have been here so many times before and i do suffer from headaches as a whole. but like last week and the week before i hardly had any headaches apart from the odd one of course. but this week it just seems to be constant and last i had an excrutiating migraine so i had an early night and that hasn't even helped as i have woken up with a headache today although not as painful i just feel like there is a constant pressure in my head. i just dont know what to do anymore?
please reply
luv louise

25-07-09, 14:38
Have a read of this page...


25-07-09, 14:40
Hey, i know i have been here so many times before and i do suffer from headaches as a whole. but like last week and the week before i hardly had any headaches apart from the odd one of course. but this week it just seems to be constant and last i had an excruciating migraine so i had an early night and that hasn't even helped as i have woken up with a headache today although not as painful i just feel like there is a constant pressure in my head. i just dont know what to do anymore?
please reply
luv louise

My best friend suffers from the most terrible migraines which force her to stay in bed. These have been going on for a few years despite medication. She sees flashing lights etc. She doesn't have a brain tumour.

You know that teeth can cause headaches.