View Full Version : Hello

20-07-09, 18:29
Hi guys.

My name is Kieran, and I suffer from agoraphobia.

I suppose it started around a year ago. When I was having more and more difficulty leaving the house and eventually had to stop going to work.

I did my best to hide it from people, but eventually had to admit to myself there was something wrong and go to the doctor. It was a difficult thing to admit, but telling people is a great place to start. When people understand, they can help.

Things got a lot better and I went back to college, started going out at weekends again etc etc and I eventually took myself off the pills

A couple of months ago I started noticing things were not so good again, but I guess I noticed it earlier because I had been through it before.

I was devastated because I didn't want to have to overcome it again. But I have :) .

I read some of the things people on this site had to say, and it really helped. I thought I should come back and sign up so maybe I can help others the way some of you have already helped me.

This is a great site and i'm glad to be here.

20-07-09, 18:37
It is a great site and congrats for overcoming this,that is wonderful :)

:) It's always unsettling when you feel better and then you just"know" something is amiss again but that is great you nipped it in the bud so to speak :D

Give me tips! ;) xx

20-07-09, 18:51
Thanks for the welcome guys.

I don't really know how to give tips. It was difficult telling people that I had kind of fallen off the wagon. I told the people closest to me my darkest fears and the fact they understood what I was going through gave me confidence to get better.

I took steps to improve my diet and do more exercise, which really helps. I started going for walks, just to get out of the house.

I still worry when I go for a drink or something, but nothing ever happens. And that's what I keep telling myself. 'Nothing has ever happened'. I have all these fears but they never come to fruition, and I take confidence from that I guess.

I think you just have to find whatever works for you, and try and make some kind of progress every day, without putting much pressure on yourself. Once you start the ball rolling things become far easier.

20-07-09, 23:37
Hi Kieran, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined.

It's great that you've found NMP so helpful. :yesyes:

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Best wishes :)

22-07-09, 14:18
Hi Kieran,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,
