View Full Version : Increased anxiety with tiredness

Lion King
20-07-09, 19:45
First bad bout of anxiety in a long time happened today, it was the back end of the day and alot of my energy was burnt up and I was starting to feel run down, when two people came to talk to me my chest tightened up and I went tense and thought I was going to struggle to talk. I managed to get thru the situation but I felt a bit of a knock back to my confidence and I am trying to not let this affect me. I have been run down all weekend feeling flu'd up and excessively tired so I'm not feeling at my best, just feel a bit annoyed that I was just getting to my best! Hey ho another test on the road to recovery from anxiety, some day I hope this will end!

Has anyone else had these kind of set backs?


20-07-09, 20:44
Hi Lion King

Yes I had one yesterday, but try not to let it get you down. Just try to remember how far you have come. Its just trying to trick you, let it come, do not fight it then it will go.

Hope you feel better.

Sharona xxx

20-07-09, 20:50
I feel more anxious when I am tired, Dont let it bother you, it happens to us all .. You survived it. Have a good sleep tonight ,you will be fine .Take care you are doing well lately.Suex

20-07-09, 21:10
I have got into this state quite often when at work....when I am tired and stressed and something else comes along and needs my attention...just like you had and, whoops...I am over the edge into panic and also feeling physically ill..dizzy and exhausted. Suzy is right , a nights sleep and you will feel better. XX

Lion King
20-07-09, 21:51
I definitely think a good nights sleep will sort me out, I feel pretty drained and down. I think I bite off more than I can chew sometimes and don't pace myself enough. I worry that I will forget how to recover from anxiety and if I don't practice what keeps it at bay the more I get anxious, I think I need to get back to small steps and stop taking giant leaps to get to the end quicker and learn to proper chill out!

The fear is the fear of a relapse, I would proper hate to go back thru it again! This has been the hardest thing to overcome in my life!

Bad times! LK

21-07-09, 17:17
Yes I find that tiredness and hunger both contribute to anxiety. Don't worry mate, a blip is only a temporary step back, you will return to full strength.

Lion King
21-07-09, 17:56
Cheers Poet,

My partner has started again with her anxiety, so I'm trying to keep myself balanced as well. I try to be supportive but half the time you have got to be a mindreader about what she's thinking as she bottles her problems up and doesn't say when she has one so everyone assumes she is ok. This results in everything coming out at once and becomes a big argument as she blames everyone around for her problems. Its diificult to cope with this as my focus has been on getting myself right for work, I have always been supportive but find it a real drain when I am already exhausted from work, she has been on antidepressants but she always use to miss or soon as she felt well she would just stop immediately. This was a relationship problem last year that contributed to my existing stress and anxiety problems.

I think I may try some relaxation with her instead of being a therapist.

Does anybody have a book of how a female brain works cos I'm buggared if I do.


21-07-09, 18:38
lol i feel bad for you lion, my hubby has the same problem with me about keeping things bottled up. Main reason i do it, is because i feel silly. I'll be really depressed for a couple of days, or really anxious, and usually take it out on him. When i finally get the guts up to tell him whats bothering me, the problems seem so stupid. As im talking to him i just think "Oh my god did you really cry for 2 hours because of that?!"
If you ever find that book, let me borrow it, because i can't understand myself :D

Prue x

Lion King
21-07-09, 22:52
Thanks I'm on the internet checking a copy of women are from venus and men are from mars (I think thats the title!), I will be looking at it and putting a review forward! I don't think there is any book that helps, even if I had a phd in your species I would never know, they are a complete mystery to me!

Anyway things have perked up, we have put everything to one side and decided to kick back and relax for the evening with a big fat take away (yummee, Lamb Rogan Josh!). We all have different ways of using that old pressure relief valve, as they say (whoever that is) "if we were all the same the world would be a boring place!".

Keep well Prue


21-07-09, 23:07
Its called Men are from Mars women are from Venus lol Its worth reading ,will make you think differently.Enjoy your curry xSue x

Lion King
21-07-09, 23:10
Cheers Sue,

I guess I'm a little dyslexic or thick! lol

Ruby was really good! I'm just patting mi gut, feel proper full!

How are you doing these days? Hope you are well?


21-07-09, 23:24
lol ! Been well thanks Lion king ,Thats up until last night,had a bad nights sleep and a bit anxious,feelreally tired lately.Need to take my own advice and get some early nights :blush: . Thanks for asking & glad you enjoyed your curry . X Suex

Lion King
22-07-09, 20:27
For the last few days the anxiety has been creeping up. I seem to be ok on a morning when I am focused but as the day progresses the anx gets worse, the tensions in my neck and shoulders increase and my breathing is a struggle. At work I feel like I'm having a bit of a baptism of fire, I am a manager and whilst I have been off everybody has got on with there jobs but with a lot of underlying problems kept under the surface, I am now dealing with all the people problems and trying to settle myself, its difficult but I'm doing ok but it tkes alot of energy out of me, I am only on my 4th week back at work and I can feel the old feelings creeping back. I don't know if this is normal, as part of recovery or it is a sign that I am going downhill again, feel confused and frustrated, confidence is slipping slightly!

Has anyone else gone thru a similar experience?


22-07-09, 21:39
If its only your fourth week back then i wouldn't be so hard on yourself.
It's normal for you to feel uneasy, i find keeping myself busy really takes my mind of it.

Your doing really well, keep fighting it and it will lessen.

Prue x

Lion King
22-07-09, 21:53
Cheers Prue,

I'm ok when I'm busy its just when I start ruminating/overthinking situations negatively that the anxiety starts creeping back, when this does happen it takes a few moments to address the thoughts and spin them round my mind to make the situation easier. I am experiencing the original stresses that made me poorly before, so I am conscious it could have the same effect. I think more resilience is required with a fresh open mind, preparaing to not get anxious seems to be the problem as this is part of my safety behaviours, I need to relax and settle myself!

Hopefully I will get there its just a matter of bouncing around and finding the right balance!

Hope you are well


Lion King
25-07-09, 14:59
Feel much better for the last 2 days, I think I have been exhausted with a mild dose of flu (man flu to you women), so now I'm feeling better the anxiety has calmed down and I feel pretty much back to normal. So a word to myself is to eat better and exercise more!

Hope everyone is ok


25-07-09, 19:22
Hi Lion King

Glad you are feling better, just been reading all your posts. About the work thing, this happened to me, a lot of my anxiety was work related as I took on too much. Now when I feel anxious at work I just slow down and try to not think about it. I know its hard when you are a Manager but believe me, you must not take on too much.

I hope you have a nice weekend and don't forget you will get setbacks. I do and I think here we go, but then every day gets that little bit easier.

Take care, hope your partner is feeling better.

Sharona x:bighug1:

Lion King
25-07-09, 19:50
Thanks very much Sharona,

I know there are ups and downs its just the periods of adjustment from feeling crap to good are sometimes difficult cos you don't know when you are going to feel better, so that makes you more anxious! I'm feeling better anyway so thats what I need to enjoy! I found that the more I switched off to worries and analysed them as nothing I felt much better!

My partner is struggling a bit, but whatever I can do to help her I will do, its just finding out whats the best way of doing that. She is strong, she just needs to take a step back and chill!

Hope you keep on doing well, Take care


25-07-09, 19:58

It must be an anxiety thing as whn I feel I am getting better, I get anxious about the anxiety coming back so its a vicious circle. I am getting a little etter each day as I have come off me meds 7 weeks ago, but I am geting head zaps which frighten me and make me more anxious. If it was not for them I would feel 9/10 which is good?
I know we have to be positve to get better otherwise we won't and it will take over.

Now we don't want that do we, the good thing about your girlfriend is, at least you can sort of understand what she is going through. My husband cannot understand why I get anxious.

Take care

Sharona x

Lion King
25-07-09, 21:15
Hi Sharona,

I was the same as your husband, my partner went thru anxiety early last year and no matter what solution to her problems I got for her I didn't fully understand how debilitating anxiety can be! When my partner recovered she told me that during the time she was poorly that she felt like ending her life, I was totally devastated that I didn't see this at the time and it upset me that I wasn't there when she went thru the dark times. Now I have suffered first hand with anxiety I know how bad it can be, I totally sympathise with anybody that has suffered this, the anxiety for me is a way of telling me that I need to change my way of thinking to make a better a life for myself!

You are brave for coming off the meds, I'm glad you have got there its a proper marker that you are over the worst, keep there sharona and remember what you have done to get there!



25-07-09, 22:53
Now then Lion King, sorry it's taken me so long to post in this thread. You are doing very well to hold a management job at the same time as you are dealing with anxiety. It must be tough.

Maybe you could do what I did with a previous girlfriend. She was into wicca (white magic) and stuff like that. She used to turn the lights off in her room and put a few candles in there for a romantic, cosy mood. We used to lie there together having a laugh and just talking about stuff. We learned a lot about one another.

Once you're both in a relaxed state in a comfortable, reassuring environment, it may be easier to gradually turn your discussion towards your problems so you can both vent. Venting won't "cure" anxiety, it just reduces the stress level and brings some relief.

The longer you stay de-stressed and relaxed, the more chance your natural mental defences have to repair some of the damage.

So in other words take care of the basics: comfort, relaxation and reassurance. The fight against anxiety is a battle of hearts and minds. There are different levels on which the fight continues. Remember to strengthen your foundations from time to time.

26-07-09, 07:28
Hi Lk

Thanks for that, I never really thought I was brave but hey I must be.:)
Are you taking anything?

Hope you are both O.K.

Sharona :yesyes:

Lion King
26-07-09, 09:21
Hi Sharona,

I'm on 40mg citalopram and take vitamin B supplement, I've been on these for the last 4 1/2 months. I feel like I have dealt with most things mentally that relate to the anxiety, but I think I need to step up looking after my wellbeing with a good diet and exercise regime.

We are both well, but had to deal with her stressed out last night, she his trying to find a job as well as take care of our son and the house is upside down with the new kitchen being fitted, so her stress levels are up. I think she suffers from health anxiety as well, she constantly thinks there is something seriously wrong with her, if she has a headache she says it might be a tumour, or her breast are tender she thinks the worst. I have spoke with her and told her to go to the doctors first thing monday and write down all the symptoms she is suffering and make sure the doctor listens and actions them to give her peace of mind. From then try and put things into perspective and deal with the stress and put it in its place. She listened for a change and is doing just that. I think she will be fine, I think she questions her own mortality with being a mother especially with what happened to Jade Goody.

Cheers Poet, thanks for the advice, we always plan to do something like this but never do, so I think I will do something about it next week. I think we both need some proper wind down time without talking about the rubbish day to day things! She has been my biggest supporter throughout the stress and anxiety, so I can't thank her enough for that. I think it would be nice for us to change the subject and talk about other things sometimes, I'm sure we will be ok.

By the way I've seen your car photos, your well into your peugots, it looks a nice motor. I had a friend come round the other day, he was selling a 307 cabriolet for 5k, I was very tempted but not practical with the young whippersnapper, I guess I will have put up with the golf for a little while longer. Hope the car boot went ok, I read about your morning anxiety, does it go away when you get stuck into something or does it stay with you. I find I am anxious beforehand, but feel better when I become occupied.

Hope you are both well!


26-07-09, 13:37

Thats a really good plan for your girlfriend. I hope she does it as you know whats its like when you get to the doctors you forget what you need to tell them.

Tell her not to get stressed, easier said than done, I have a bit og health anxiety and its awful so I know how she feels.

Hope you are both well, let m eknow how she gets on at the doctors.

Sharona x

Lion King
27-07-09, 19:00
Hi Sharona,

She is well today so she didn't bother going to the doctors, I think it has been more mind over matter in her case.

I have been ok today, but in the afternoon I have been getting gradually worse with the anxiety, I have had this now for a few weeks and I thought eventually it would fade but it seems to be hanging around so I'm a bit concerned about what I need to do to get past this stage, its like one minute I can tackle anything the next I am automatically anxious and uptight which makes me think I am going backwards, I would like to think positive but I'm towing to turn these moments around as I am getting mentally exhausted analysing my triggers all day. I think I might need to take a step back and cut my hours back so I can adjust more gradually to the changes around me, otherwise I feel I am pushing myself too hard.

Need some advice!


28-07-09, 10:28

I hope you are both O.K today. I get more anxious in the afternoons or when I get tired and I get some really scary moments when I thinl I am losing it.
As I get anxiuos then , I try to keep positive and try not to think 'its back', as this will not be a good thought. I think how fsr I have come and this is just a blip, it does try to impose on your life again when you least expect it. I try to also think its just a thought in my head, nothing is going to happen.

Its hard as you think you are back to the start but you are not, its just playing tricks on you. I had to come off my meds as I could not think straight and I was scared that I had no feelings, so I am trying to face this full on, its scary but I am making small leaps to getting there. Try not to think of getting better all the time as you won't. you must only think of today and if you get through without any anxiety then great but don't lose hope if you do experience it.

Take care both

Sharona :bighug1:

Lion King
28-07-09, 20:49
Hi Sharona,

Thanks for the advice, its made me feel better as its reassured me that i am thinking in the right manner. I am guilty of thinking when I'm going to feel better, but as you say its about taking one day at a time and not being too hard on yourself. The only thing I have changed today is drinking lucozade sport in the afternoon to combat the lull in energy, it did work pretty well but I will not try to get into the habit of doing it too much.

I have been to cbt today and found the session really useful, I felt more in control or had a better grasp of what my initial problems were that brought the anxiety on in the first place. Its great cos as you discover what it is, its as though something just clicks into place and you can see things much more clearly. Although I am not 100%, I feel less fear about alot of things which I saw as a problem in the past, I am enjoying the quality of life so much more, the anxiety has given me a new lease of life as a stronger individual.

I must be doing well as the therapist has started discussing methods of preventing relapse, so I'm happy I've reached this far (A good milestone!), I shall remain positive and endeavour to remain in this state.

Hope you keep well with facing things full on.

Take Care


29-07-09, 15:48
I thought it was too good to be true. having a health anxiety day today at work with my head. I get a strange wooshing like someones moving inside my head and I also feel as if I am going to faint sometimes.

Never mind I am sure its just one of those bad days, tommorow will bw bwtter.

Take care


Lion King
29-07-09, 18:40
Hi Sharona,

I hope you have a better day tomorrow, there's nowt worse than feeling like crap! My partner suffers from the same thing as you, she gets light headed and feels like a wave is running under her scalp, this tends to happen around the same time everyday. She has learnt to eat little and often to keep her sugar levels at a level that keeps her energy levels constant, she gets the whooshing feeling from time to time but not as often, she has borderline thyroid problems so this can have an effect on dizziness. Her anxiety creeps in when she has a fear that the dizziness can strike at any time especially when driving or out shopping. What do you normally do when you feel this coming on?

Take Care