View Full Version : WIERD WIERD HEAD???Anybody suffer from that???

22-09-05, 03:50
Has any of you exp. a feeling so hard to describe but strong at times and overwhelming......a wierd sensation in the head....that is the best I can do, that can freak you out!!??? No tingly, ironband, swaying on one side......JUST A WIERD STRONG SENSATION IN THE HEAD from chronic anxiety?? Anybody. I want to know if I'm the only one who suffers like this.

Elise Monte

22-09-05, 04:21
I think all of us here have experienced strong sensations inside our heads. And it's probably a different experience from person to person, so don't think that it's unusual or abnormal for this disorder just because yours isn't exactly like someone elses. I will agree with you, it is very FREAKY!! It is not fun, it is not easy to take, it is nightmarish sometimes. But it will pass as you start to understand what your brain is doing and why. Have you been able to read any good Anxiety/Panic books yet? There are so many good ones out there. Once you understand how your mind is doing this to you, alot of this bizarrness (is that a word?) will stop.
I am so sorry that you are going through this, but you are NOT alone! It will go away when you understand what is happening to you.
Thinking of you,

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

22-09-05, 09:19
Thanks Andrea. You calmed my spirit down. Since you know, I will ask you one more thing. After 13 years, I have finally accepted this wierd sensation in my head. It is been 3 months of acceptance and it is still here.......Dr, Weekes said TO LET AS MUCH TIME PASS AS NEEDED for your body to adjust to the new mood of acceptance rather than the frightened mood that we've established, in my case for 13 years. Some days, it's like I want to smash my head on the wall because I am finally thinking right, eating right etc. and it is still here but my mother who once had it too for years always says the same thing.....LET MORE TIME PASS. Am I finally on the right track?? Thanks Andrea.

Elise Monte

22-09-05, 22:42
Can I ask what your weird head sensation feels like?

I too suffer lots of weird hea symptoms and I am a migraine sufferer too... I have been having lots of weird head sensations for a few months now and I find it quite difficult to explain them to my GP. I was wondering if you might have similar ones to me which would help me explain mine.... just a thought.


22-09-05, 22:53
Sorry, Elise. I suppose that what I said wasn't helpful. Get the feeling you were being sarcastic there.
So I take it that the sensation comes and goes, it's not a constant thing? 13 years IS a long time.
Even so, Elise, you are not alone. What I mean is, there are so many people here who care that you've got stuff going on in your head that you can't explain, because we can identify with you. I am one of those people. I might not have given you the best reply, but I was hoping that it was some comfort to you. Again, I am sorry that you have to experience this and can't explain it, which makes it even more frightening and humiliating.
If you need to chat about it, send me a PM and I'll look for ya!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

22-09-05, 23:19
Sadie: I wish I can explain. They are so friggen wierd that I can't but some days they are stronger than others esp. with stress or if I have to go out and do things......wow they can get unbearable but I finally have learned to accept them and I am sure in time, they will be behind me. If you accept them and do not add any fuel to them they will be gone as well. Probably sooner than me because I have had them 13 years. Good luck.

Elise Monte

april tones
22-09-05, 23:28
hi, think i have had this before. got it now. like blood is rushed to your head? like someone is squezzing your neck? like your gonna collapse? xxx


23-09-05, 04:14
Does the sensation feel like a roaring in your head without sound? Does that make any sense?
Have you ever had anesthesia given through an epidural?

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

23-09-05, 11:50
In1Piece - I wasn't being sarcastic at all. Thank you for any advice you can give me. We all want to talk to someone who has exp, the same symptoms as we have. I have had this for 13 years and no not off and on, constantly, only some days it's less than other days but constant. Isn't that awful? Thanks again.

Elise Monte

23-09-05, 11:53
APRIL TONES & IN1PEACE - April tones first to answer your ques. Yes it no, it feels wierd I cannot describe it....and IN1PIECE- it doesn't feel like a roating in my head. I just had an epidural when I had my son 2 years ago and found the symptoms the same. It's ok, it's all part of any anxiety symptom disorder, I just thought I'd ask but I'll get there. THanks so much for your support. You guys are right, we all suffer different but it's the same. BLESSINGS

Elise Monte

23-09-05, 12:12

My problem is the head area, it's difficult to describe but it just feels like you say!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression

23-09-05, 12:57
Hi Elise,

I often suffer from overwhelming sensations and wonder why. The feelings I get are like impending doom or as if a huge dark cloud has just landed above me. Like 1inPeace has said, once you realise that it's anxiety that's causing it, it will soon pass.

23-09-05, 20:36
I for one have weird head sensations, but I am not sure if it is medical or anxiety. That is my biggest problem. I envy all of you that you can accept your symptoms as anxiety, and they probably are anxiety related. But me, I dont know. I always think its something medical.

The weird sensations i feel arent painful.. It feels like some kind of preasure or thumping in the head.. its very strange.. Its like blood or oxygen is not getting there or something.. IT can accompany a weird dizzy type faint sensation as well.

24-09-05, 02:13
Hey guys, anyone answer this, when you are feeling all wierded out and drink a cup of coffee, doesn't it make you feel like you are going out of your MIND......oh my God, just happened to me today. I was off it for three months, holy shoot......my head went nuts. Anyone experience same? I am sure. Let me know.

Elise Monte

24-09-05, 05:09
Ooh yeah.. caffeine a HUGE no, no! LOL! I absolutely love the taste of coffee, so I'm drinking decaf. I about went berzerk after a mocha freeze from Dairy Queen. I guess I thought the ice cream in it would dilute the caffeine.. er... [No]Full-blown panic attack, shaking and unable to sleep. Not good. Then my husband pointed out that I could've gotten the same drink in decaf. [Duh!] Thanks for tellin' me! [Ugh]
Anyway, I'm a bit paranoid about being accepted around this site, so I thought you were being sarcastic. Glad you weren't! [:I] It's an Anxiety Thing. I'm sure you understand. ha ha!
And guess what? I've been cutting back on one of my meds for PA and I got to enjoy (ha.. yeah right!) the whole wierd head thing all over again today. Called the doctor and told him I'm not ready to cut back. LOL! I just can't face parenting without the meds yet. Maybe in the summer when our pace is less hectic.
Again, sorry you are going through this! Glad you aren't annoyed with me.
Hope your weekend goes well!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

24-09-05, 18:34
Andrea, You and I sound exactly alike. At least you get breaks from your wierd head mine keeps giong 24/7 for 13 years...a few years break because of medication, then it stops working....now it's been 3 months, just raw Dr. Claire Weekes Material - ACCEPTING SYMPTOMS and eating right..........my yester. Gees, I felt insane after that coffee that I did not drink for 3 months.......wow, ain't doing that again. As far as you getting off your meds. This is how I see it, tell me if you agree, in order to get through this disorder YOU HAVE TO FEEL THE SYMPTOMS, ALL OF THEM ALL THE TIME, then you can learn to cope with them and even. they wil subside but if we keep softening the symp. with meds, we will never know how to deal with them. get it?? So, there is never a right time but do it when your heart tells you I HAD ENOUGH THIS CRAP.........I AM GOING TO DO IT.........and the only way my dear friend is THROUGH IT..........I am suffering like a dog during my ACCEPTING TIME of 4 months but I am going to get there and so will you. Write to me anytime,

Elise Monte

25-09-05, 02:49
He he he!
Elise! I think I am eating my words! LOL! I guess I am fighting with fighting with panic. Does that make sense? I have to make a decision now. Plan to do this at a different time or keep going. I decided that until I see my Dr. I'm going to keep on with what we talked about. Cutting out one tablet a day. It's been about a 1 1/2 weeks now since I started that. If I'm not totally off the meds, I should be able to cope with a little at a time. Guess I'll keep on taking those baby steps. I really don't want to stay on meds the rest of my life.
Only thing different about us is you've been dealing with this waaaay longer than I have! I've only been dealing with it since May. So APPLAUSE!!! to you because you are scaling mountains while I'm scaling little hills (and whining while I go.. LOL!)
I will keep in touch with you! [^]

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)