View Full Version : Ummmm Hiya

20-07-09, 22:31
Hi All,

Well figured i should finally join up given the amount of advice and info i find on this site!!!....

Hmmmm who am i?....

Following years of self medicating (lots of years!!!!) along with occasional attempts at just antidressants that would last a short while....eventually led me to lose pretty much everything..... partner, family, burglaries (on me not the other way round), encroaching bankruptcy....etc. etc...... well all in all a lousy year!!!.....

I've taken the bull by the horns as it were..... I know what lead me to drinking etc to a degree.... (great example being today - anxiety and racing brain for 2 day,s no sleep..... it ended with an emergency call to my doc who after 3 mins on the phone put me back on Diazepam.... choice - i drink/use and feel ok for 2 days then gradually sink into hell and self destruction..... or i face taking whatever i'm told!!!)

So now i'm fighting the dual demons of my self destructiveness and there (their?) underlying cause....

I'm signed off for 6 months (i was made redundant from my nice well paying job just before it all went totally pear shaped..... so it's not an issue).... I have a worker at the local adult social services (useful to the point of getting me into detox (sadly necessary)..... after that as useful as a hole in the head!!!!).... a worker at a local support team for 2 x group therapy sesh's a week.... A doctor who hasnt got a clue (IMO)....

So now if you shake me i rattle with a mix of fluoxetine (after 5 or 6 years of Citalopram they swapped me 2 weeks back), propanolol and bouts of Diazepam..... This just about keeps me afloat.... Not ideal but better than death.... It keeps me from doing anything too stupid!!!...

Panic attacks
Low self esteem
Generally warped thinking and sensibilities....

Welcome to my head!!!

If you've been bothered to read this bout of self pity this far...... thanks.....

From what i've read on here it seems like a cool supportive group of sufferers :)


21-07-09, 11:13
Hi &:welcome:

I'm glad you joined this site as I'm sure you'll find the people very helpful and supportive as I have done.
I could identify with several of the issues you mentioned, as I'm sure others on here will.
Please let us know how you are.
Best wishes,

21-07-09, 11:46

Welcome to the site, glad you decided to join us. I think you will find alot of good support and advice on here.

Take care


21-07-09, 11:55
Welcome to the site mate, hope you find what you're looking for.

22-07-09, 01:17
Thanks folks :)

22-07-09, 01:22
Hi and :welcome: to nmp.
I hope you find all the help and support you need to recover very soon.
Take care

Veronica H
22-07-09, 09:45
:welcome: B. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.


22-07-09, 14:06
Hi, Im new here too. Just googled to see what info I could find on coming off citalopram and thought Id sign up :)

Hope to see you around,


22-07-09, 14:41
Hi Jon,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support. You suffer from a lot of symptoms and sometimes I feel like one feeds off the others, a vicious circle. The only thing I can suggest is try not to drink as it is a depressant of its' own class, try reading Claire Weekes and try the chatroom. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


22-07-09, 18:50
Hi and welcome, hope you find lots of support and help here, I dont think you have self pity at all, welcome aboard.xx

22-07-09, 19:02
Welcome aboard the good ship NMP am new too
all the best