View Full Version : Worrying about life

20-07-09, 23:14
I keep worrying about how my life is going to be, im just sat here thinking will i ever get a job? how am i going to move out? (im 22) and then i think about the day im goin to die and i have to control myself from 'freaking out':scared15:

does anyone else experience this?

I know worrying makes things worse but i feel so stuck:shrug:

x x x x

...and so the lion fell in love with the lamb...

21-07-09, 07:14
Hiya Sophia

I used to do this alot. I would find myself stressing over the future, my work, the kids, marriage, financial circumstances, my health you name it.

I used to drive myself mental over it.

Nowadays I tend to live in the "here and now" and try not to think too far ahead.

I liked that song a few years ago about suncream, one line goes something like " Some of the most interesting people I have met didn't know what they wanted to do at the age of 40".

Sometimes I think it's less stressful to see what life brings, rather than planning it all out, because we know what can happen to the best laid plans ;)



22-07-09, 02:49
You're not alone. Worrying about life is necessary sometimes to get things done, but don't let it run your life, just allow it to remind you that you need to get things done, and then relax and take your time while doing them (ie assignment, paying bills, accomplishing anything).
Don't worry about what will happen so much, I know it's hard, but I find it better to make your life the way you want to live by reminding yourself that you can be whoever and whatever you want to be, you're your own person, don't forget and don't let other people or other problems get in the way of happiness for you :)

22-07-09, 23:07
thank you :)

i will keep trying, maybe im just having a bad patch at the moment (sigh)

x x x

22-07-09, 23:21
oh my i am the same i cannot do anything without thinking of the future and worrying about everything and anything illnesses i am goin gto die and when the kids do something y r they doing that am i dying what is life going to be like here now then. believe me it will past sit and relax blank ur mind rest in a chair and close ur eyes listen block urself from everything and listen really hard and relax shut everything close to u out it works

23-07-09, 00:12
I keep worrying about how my life is going to be, im just sat here thinking will i ever get a job? how am i going to move out? (im 22) and then i think about the day im goin to die and i have to control myself from 'freaking out':scared15:

does anyone else experience this?

I know worrying makes things worse but i feel so stuck:shrug:

x x x x

...and so the lion fell in love with the lamb...

I fear the unknown also.

Been suffering ages this post may be of mine some use:


It's all insecurity. I worry I will never meet a new girlfriend, worry I will never find a career I like..when I look back on where I was two years ago I've done alot of positive. I'm worried about moving out but it's a positive and will happen eventually. It's rare you get stuck going no where unless you give up and don't make changes.

23-07-09, 00:15
I think if God cares about a little bird, he cares way more about you.

23-07-09, 02:49
I'm currently in your situation Sophia except I have a brand new mortgage to weigh down on me.

But trust me, do not worry about where you will go in life and death because you have more time than you realize. This is from someone who has past the 40 year mark 2 years ago. For me age 22 seems like eons ago.

23-07-09, 15:55
thanks, i am trying!

Went for some walks, saw friends and did exercise. Still worrying at the same time but feel a bit better :)

Also going to attempt to go out with friends tonight !!(arghhhh)

x x x