View Full Version : hello

21-07-09, 02:09
hello i am new here.i used this forum before a few years back & found the people here very helpful.i ahve had panic attacks for about 13 years i turned 40 on july 4th.i also suffer from social anxiety not as bad as it used to be i still get nervous & feel like i cant breathe around a crowd of people.my attacks keep me from traveling or driving.although i dont have them as much anymore i am terrified to drive except for a block or two from my home.my attacks have cost me a marriage in 2004 but i am now remarried & very happy.although here recently i find myself worrying over the smallest of things causing me to tremble and cry most of the time.my job is very stressful along with worrying about finances & so forth.i can control the attacks better now instead of wishing them away & try to make them happen when the feeling presents itself i figure the sooner its over with its done & i'll be okay.i took my life back from this awful "disease" as i call it it seems to be trying to creep back in but i wont let it take over my life i am in control of my life.i have come a long way since i had my first attack with the help from people i met on this site for those people i would like to thank you deeply.i now have more control now then i did the first time i visited this site.i take 0.25mg xanax as i need it i only have to take a forth of one & all is well its hard to find a dr to give it where i live but i have seemed to do so ...so far but i do not want to ahve to take these pills all of my life one day my life will be completley mine & i wont have to share it with panic attacks anymore.so hang in there its took me a long time to over come & i am not all the way there yet but i will be.

21-07-09, 08:09

i know you have said that you have found this site a great help to you in the past, and im sure it will be this time around too, im sorry that you are having a few difficulites at the moment, but, as you said you are taking control, and you sound very determined, your halfway there.

I wish you all the best, and perhaps we will speak again soon..

P x :hugs:

22-07-09, 13:02
thank you very much for the welcome i am determined to not let these PA's take over my life i hope i can be some help here as others have done for me.

22-07-09, 13:53
Hi, I just joined, have used many forums but never signed up to one for this sort of thing before!

Glad to hear your getting there with the panic attacks :)

22-07-09, 14:26
Hi Kim,

Welcome back to NMP. As you know, many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,
