View Full Version : Sleep zzzzz

22-09-05, 08:59
Hi everyone

I feel awful again today,i havnt been sleeping well at all.
I dont really have problems getting asleep its staying asleep thats the problem.I seem to wake up around 3am and then just doze on and off until 7 or 8am when its time to get up.I dont wake up worrying or panicing,i just wake up!
I feel constantly strange and not with it,and my concentration levels are really poor.
Does anyone else suffer from this,any advice?

Love Hunny x

22-09-05, 09:54
Hi Hunny

So very sorry to hear you are having sleep problems, a subject that is very close to my heart.

To have had very little or broken sleep during the night really does effect your whole being the next day and if you are anything like me, begin to dread bedtime the next evening in case it happens again and so the pattern repeats itself.

I started CBT last week and interestingly when asked to describe a typical panic attack (which are always in the early hours for me), my choice of phrase was 'oh no, here we go again'. He jumped on this and said maybe you are talking yourself into this and that we would revisit thread again later. My point being that I believe we condition ourselves to certain behaviour and once it has occured the subconscious in us triggers the brain to repeat the behaviour again at the same time. For you that is 3am in the morning.

In your post you did not say if you managed to go off to sleep again quite quickly?

If you do, I would say that hopefully with positive thinking i.e. it's not going to happen tonight, over a period of time you will recondition yourself.

If not - that is more tricky. With me I went to great lengths to get back to sleep. I have been known to do washing, ironing, unload the dish waster, put on bread, surf the internet, ring NHS Direct, listen to relaxing music, cup of tea or more lately just plain boiled water and read. Then eventually would fall off to sleep exhausted in the early hours 5 - 6am. I would not suggest for one minute this type of list, but maybe plain bolied water and a book, that is what currently works for me. I have also used some relaxatoin techniques like abdominal breathing.

This really is close to my heart, please do feel free to pm me if you just need to talk further, as I really do sympathise and understand.

Wishing you a night full of lovely sleep!

with love

Elaine XX

22-09-05, 10:01
Hi Hunny,
I can relate to what you are saying, i posted on here once, saying i thought i was becoming nocturnal, and the feeling of not being with it and the poor concentration are all down to the lack of sleep. I found by not napping during the day, and going to bed with a relaxation cd really helped with my sleep pattern, maybe you could try that.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

22-09-05, 16:35
Big Time, I suffered through it and still get that from time to time. You know what, stop asking why and trying to figure it out like I did. Make sure you cut out sugar, alcohol, white flour and cafeeine - these are the biggy....but out completly for at least a few months. That will help your sleep and anxiety levels. It sucks having to do things in the day while feeling crap but we can change that with good eating, right thinking and TIME, let alot of time pass for your body and mind to register your new positive way of thinking. Hope this helps.

Elise Monte