View Full Version : heart attack??

21-07-09, 03:06
yesterday i had 2 bottles of wine and woke up feeling fine. throughout the day i began to feel poor. so worried that im having a heart attack. Ive been tingly throughout my whole body been having some mild chest pain. also experiencing a weird squeezing sensation in my stomach. \what does this sound like to you? Im only 22 years old.

21-07-09, 03:21
Sounds like mild gastritis brought on by too much alcohol, probably exacerbated by dehydration and anxiety.

21-07-09, 03:39
im also experiencing tightness in the chest which comes and go;s lasting about 2 mins

21-07-09, 04:03
To quote a couple of your other posts on this:

"has anyone else experienced this? it just started happening to me maybe 6 months ago, but now every time i drink, the next day i have terrible HA. Is this from the alcohol or is it all in my head. I also experience chest pains day after drinking, i dont know if this is from the anxiety or not"

"Hello everyone. This issue has now been plaguing me for a good 3 to 4 months now. I am 22 year old male and have been experiencing chest discomfort. It all started one night when i was really hungover from the day before. I started to experience heart fluttering and chest pain."

This has happened before. There's nothing wrong with your heart, if there was by your reckoning you've had 3 heart attacks because of drinking just based from posts you've made here.

You're 22, upsetting your stomach can make your chest hurt, in a non-muscular way, but then also tight muscles, they make your chest hurt too. Worrying about things make you tense, having non-cardiac chest pain when you're already worried about your heart is very likely going to make your chest muscles even tighter.

I've been through this, I was a very heavy drinker when I was your age, I had "normal" anxiety after drinking sessions back then which lasted a day or two, didn't progress any further until five years ago when the restless-pacing-type-anxiety which would previously have faded after a day progressed into all sorts of physical pains and major anxious periods which lasted for far longer. The pains you're describing now are almost identical to how I felt once my anxiety became more permanent, which is why about 4 months after it started I stopped drinking. I stopped entirely for 15 months and since then I've had the occasional drink (I'm 31 now), still makes me feel lousy, but seeing as you know this does it to you I'm not sure why you're still drinking.

If you can't stop by yourself seek some help, at least while you deal with your anxiety. You said you had an echo a few years back which was fine, as has been pointed out to you this would have shown any defects you were born with. You're 22, we know you suffer from anxiety and we know that part of this is focussed on your heart, so why is this time a heart attack over the umpteen others? It isn't :)

I'm sorry if this post sounds in anyway harsh, but when I'm suffering badly with whatever is bothering me at the time I prefer that someone points out the facts rather than smothers me with hugs.

Get some rest, drink plenty of water, try to relax in whatever ways you know how. Tomorrow, you'll likely feel better.


21-07-09, 04:29
thanks chris. i needed that.