View Full Version : Was it a panic attack or a faint spell?

22-09-05, 11:42
Have been out this morning and did really well, but if I laugh I get very light headed I don't know if anyone else gets this?
Anyway called into the supermarket on the way home and hadn't been in there more than 30 seconds when I suddenly got very hot, my hearing went, it sounded like everyone was speaking from miles away, I my vision started to tunnel and I really thought I was going to faint so I dropped everything and went outside and sat in my car. I didn't actually pass out and have got home now. So I'm wondering was it just a major panic attack that crashed over me with no warning or was I on the verge of passing out?

22-09-05, 11:59
Hi Devon Guy

It sounds like a classic panic attack to me, certainly the ones I get, mines always an overwhelming feeling of everything receeding from me like everything sort of goes black then I think I will pass out,but never have and have suffered on and off for 20 years!!!

Luv Barb xxx

22-09-05, 13:11
Hi Devon,
That was definatley a panic attack i have had the exact same thing in Asda, and i too had to run. I was told if i have never passed out before, then i never will, and that is true. I know that the attacks can scare the hell out of you , but the best thing to do is ride them out, if you run from them then they will keep happening, if you stay and carry on with what you are doing they will pass. They get fed up if they cant scare you anymore lol.
PM me anytime if you need any help with them as i have 'been there done that and have the t-shirt' lol.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

22-09-05, 14:23
Hey Devon Guy, that is exactly what happened to me at work today.....scared the c*** out of me because I wasn't expecting it at all. I've not been on here for a while because my CBT training has been going quite well and I've been feeling gradually much better. Well, today I've been feeling a little dizzy like I'm on a ship and I've had some background anxiety about this. I was attending to somebody's PC and suddenly I felt this kind of intense tingling/buzzing that started in my face and seemed to spread all over my body....the world seemed to become very grey and unreal and I couldn't really hear peoples voices - I had an urge to get out of the office. Unfortunately I fled the situation because I was scared and embarrassed! I was sure that something horrible was about to happen like passing out....but I'm still here :D It took a lot of rational discussion with my partner (and co-therapist) to feel brave enough to get back into work. I decided that it must have been an intense panic ttack that crept up on me, but its been a while since i've had one so I didn't recognise what it was.

Like you...I often have bouts of dizziness, tunnel vision etc and nothing has ever happened to me. Keep fighting, as you become more confident these spells seem to become less frequent.

22-09-05, 14:35
Thanks guys I really appreciate all the support and help, this forum is a godsend!
I haven't had one like this for about 6 weeks now, some small ones but I could easily control them. I thought the one back then was a faint but after seeing a psychologist he said in his words "You had an almighty panic attack" So guess I had put it to the back of my mind and forgotten what it felt like. Am seeing him again next week so will talk it through with him.
Sorry to ramble on!


Sue K with 5
22-09-05, 15:37
Hi Devon

Yep been there as well, I normally run out of the supermarket and I never sit still until i get home! this is classic panic and will pass! next time try staying in one position and breath slowly!

You will not faint !! I have had these for 23 years now and not once have I ever fainted! although I believe it will happen everytime so dont think it is not another symptom of anxiety !

Try and relax today and not do anything which will cause you any undue stress again and try again tom

Never give into it

You control it not it controls you!

Take care sue with 5
