View Full Version : cant breathe

21-07-09, 07:36
pls help me, i am going crazy already, just now i drank 2 cups of water, then after 10mins, i eat my porridge (it's quite cold),eat in the car, then after eating it, suddenly i felt so so nausea , keeping on nausea like wanting to vomit, but i did not vomit, the nausea continue for 10mins, without stop, theni feel i can'tbreathe, so hard to breathe, i am so sacred, then i want to urine, i can't i can't find aplace, i am so scared.it lasted abt 1/2an hour, then i go toilet, then i rub oil to my tummy chest area, now i am not nausea, but i feel can't breathe well. i feel out of breathe. pls help. me

21-07-09, 07:37
i keep on burping and when i burp theres water coming out from my throat, what's that?

21-07-09, 07:46
now i feel head inside cold.

21-07-09, 09:49
help me now i am shivering badly, shiver as i walk, i can't evenwalk

24-07-09, 08:25

I would advise you to see a doc. Do you suffer from anxiety. We are all on the same boat. Just relax dear.

24-07-09, 08:46
the worst i really can't seem to breathe and feel so nausea, why?

24-07-09, 08:59
Alba calm down :)

It could possibly be just a wee bug you have picked up.

Pop along and see your doctor, I am sure it's nothing serious.

26-07-09, 00:44
Calm down hun, its anxiety I get it 2. Breathing thing yes nightmare breath into ur hands that will help. Feeling sick for bouts of time is normal when u panicky. Shivers from nerves and getting urself worked up, it happens.
So don't worry about ur breathing very common pop 2 drs to sort u out on medication if ur not already on any. And try to excercise more to relieve u stress.
Take care sweety