View Full Version : aching leg - startign to panic again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21-07-09, 08:31
for the past 3 weeks now i have had an aching in my left leg, like when you get really tired and your legs get heavy and ache. i can't seem to shift it though. went to docs yesterday cos i was scared it was dvt, did long haul flight about a month ago - worry and panic was beginning to set in again. doc said it coudl be back related. anyone else get this kind of thing.

also been getting a tightening feel sometimes across my stomach just above belly button - about an inch above. panicking about that now as well. though probably just due to ibs cos of all the rubbish i have been eating cos i feel anxious and when i feel like that i eat and eat. one big vicious circle. it is starting to really get me down though.

please can someone reassure me that i am not the only one to get aches and pains like this.

jackie x

03-09-10, 07:05
i have this pain right now... been bugging me for 2 weeks.
my leg is just aching like a tired ache...
go away!!!!
feel better :)

03-09-10, 07:30
i get this, apparantly its starts when your dehydrated and then because you can feel the achyness you start to tense the muscle a lot almost in an attempt to stop the ache but this just makes it ache more. Nothing to worry about at all x

03-09-10, 13:23
wow thanks mary..makes sense. i am in insane heat adn humidity now. but my anxiety niggles away with... why only one leg and not both if i am dehydrated!
but yes i will focus on changing my thought patterns and go with that...

03-09-10, 20:01
yeah not sure about why not both legs but thats the mystery of our bodys, if it all made sense we probably wouldnt worry half as much as we do! x