View Full Version : Hello

21-07-09, 11:11
Hi every one I was googling mysymptoms and came across this site and have wanted to post for days.. I am 32 years old, married have a two year ols son and have been plagued with health anxiety since my mum passed away almnost 6 years ago.. Im normally well and in good spirits butif I get symptoms I cant explain my life falls apasrt in a way that only some oen who has been through this can understand. Im curently experiencinga twitching tongue and am so upset I can barely focus on anything else.

I have been to teh GP already who has done her best to reassure me that this is nothing serious and has also made me an appointment to see a neurologist- thsi has in a way heightened my anxiety and I cant cope ligfe feels so scary right now.. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help me

21-07-09, 11:51
Hi Suki

Welcome to the site, now you have come accross the site there is no need to google all it does is make the anxiety worse, believe me I know I have been there and really blown all my worries out of proportion. I too go through periods of HA and I know what it is like to have the constant worry of something on your mind and how much it absorbes you. I think you will find lots of good advice and support on this site.

Take care


21-07-09, 11:58
Welcome to nmp Suki

Veronica H
21-07-09, 14:14
:welcome: Suki. Glad that you have found us.


22-07-09, 14:22
Hi Suki,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,
