View Full Version : Feeling naff; need to lift myself

22-09-05, 12:50
I seem to be going through a bad time at the moment - I think I just need to vent.

Well, I feel I've progressed a fair amount this year, although how much of that is due to SAD I'm not sure. I'm looking at this winter as a test.

I suffered a bereavement a few weeks back and felt I coped with that fairly well - certainly better than the one last winter. But maybe as a result of that, I got a new pain which although it only lasted a couple of days, upset me. I also seem to have some IBS , but my GP has done an examination and says that I'm basically fine. I've even paid a return visit to the surgery for reassurance.

I now feel reassured, but am still feeling very stressed. I'm back to not being able to get up in the mornings because of my state. So after typing this, I'm going to get washed and dressed (yes, I know what the time is) and go for a 20 minute walk by the canal to try and ease myself.

I felt I needed to vent yesterday, so rang the No Panic helpline. She was excellent, although was a little bit ambitous in her suggestions. But perhaps she was just encouraging me to get angry by doing so. Her line was basically JFDI but I find that so scary - I need to progress slowly.

She was so good that she got me crying a bit - she hit a raw nerve of one of my root issues from way back so that was good.

And at the weekend I was too ambitous - it was just that two long standing fixtures came on the same weekend, and I hadnt recovered from the health anxiety. Grrrr!

I am going away to Germany next week for a few days, but of course I am not really looking forward to it, as I am worried about coping, especially the first day or two.

So I am going to make a concerted effort to get some regular walking in over the coming days to try and relax me.

Thanks for listening [8D]


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

22-09-05, 13:11
Hi hun,

Sorry you are feeling abit pants at the mo.

Have you tried the Aloe Vera juice (can never remember if it was Angie or Alexis who had such a success with it) for the touch of IBS.

I know how you feel about winter - doesn't do me any favours either. Although I do and don't like the earlier dark evenings, do because I can get out for a good long stroll much earlier because I'm not scared being out in the dark as regards panicking, don't because I love the long days and mild evenings.

I'm like you Ray I prefer baby steps to being thrown in, although occasionally being thrown in has its benefits.

Big hug mate.

Love Piglet :)

22-09-05, 13:19
Hi Ray,
Sorry to hear you are having a hard time at the moment. Remember it is just a blip on your road to recovery. Venting on here is something we we all need to do from time to time, it really does help. Try to relax a bit more, and the walks by the canal will help. Have a great time in Germany the change of scene and the break will do you a lot of good.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

Sue K with 5
22-09-05, 13:22
Hi Ray

I think you have coped brilliantly, we have set backs and we know how hard they can hit, but each set back makes us stronger! We know that if we can combat this then the next step will be better.

I think venting is brilliant, especially when we have so much bottled up inside us and you made a great move rining the panic website.

Germany is going to be fine. Hey! if I can do five hours in Brighton and survive you can do Germany ok !

and just remember we are an internet cafe away so if it gets too much just find a cafe jump on line and talk to your friends! thats what we are here for.

J F D I! (as my wrist band says!)

Sue with 5


22-09-05, 14:07
Hi Ray,
sorry you are feeling a bit rough right now.. You still sound very positive, and as you say, a lot of times by venting our feelings it does help. I also believe that sometimes, after a bereavement, delayed shocked/feelings hit us a while after the event, one of my kids were involved in a accident a few weeks back (ok now though) and it was at the week-end, some 3 weeks on, that it actually hit me what had happened. I also think that going away causes us to worry (we always find something to worry about eh?), but as you say, after a few days, you will find your 'new' safe place and enjoy your break away, which you deserve, sorry to have gone on for so long, once i start, you know there is no stopping me!! take care. xxxxxx

22-09-05, 14:43
a 20 minute walk? I went for 50 lol

what am I like?

thanks for your words guys..


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

22-09-05, 16:02
Hi Ray

Sorry to hear you are struggling a bit at the moment but what everyone has said is true - you have been doing really well and this is just a blip.

I'm with you about winter and the dark nights. I too am dreading it, along with the cold.

Well done on your walk - another success.

Sometimes you need to have a short period of time where you take stock before moving on again and I am sure you will come back from this.

I hope you enjoy your time in Germany.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-09-05, 16:51

Under the circumstances I can understand why you are feeling very naff.. Bereavements and grief present themselves differently in us all as they get worked through so don't be hard on yourself and you can do you JFDI at one gentle step at a time.

Well done on your walk(s), hope it helped settle you a bit.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-09-05, 18:55
Hi Ray, not really a lot to say as I think weve said it all, just take care and remember a walk every day, you know where I am,Love Alexis,x

23-09-05, 14:40
D I T O.....


hope your feeling a bit better today,

kairen x

24-09-05, 05:32
Thinking of you and hoping you brought that camera along on your walk. Urf! Slap! Slap! How selfish of me!! LOL!
Seriously, I like what Meg said about gentle baby steps. We are taking them with you!
Hope your trip is way better than you expected it to be.
Ps. Did you take any pics? asking sheepishly.

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

24-09-05, 14:32
Hi Ray

Thinking of you mate. Hope you are still walking and managing to relieve some of the stress.

Big hugs

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

24-09-05, 15:31
Hiya Ray

I think sometimes we just feel that things get too much for us and too overwhelming.

We have to sit down, step back from it for a while and kind of re-evaluate what is happening.

I hope the trip away to Germany does you some good. Is it a social/pleasure trip to see some friends?

I am pleased you are getting out for some fresh air - even though it is a bit chilly at the moment, that will do you the world of good.

Big hug coming your way.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

24-09-05, 16:39
Hi Ray,

Yes it does help to vent doesn't it. Sometimes things get on top of us then we need to let it out.

Sorry to hear about your bereavement.

Well done on the walking it's good to clear cobwebs hey.

I hope your trip to Germany goes well.

Take Care,;)

Love PIP'S X

24-09-05, 22:38
Hi Ray

I know we have had some long chats lately and gone quite indepth on things. You are doing so well darling. Set backs are normal even though scary and hard to cope with. Im always here for you if you ever want to talk. All i can do is listen give you support and re-itterate what all your friends here have said.Hugssssssssss xxxxx

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx