View Full Version : paranoia never goes away

21-07-09, 11:30
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paranoia never goes away
:shades: This is about paranoia and the damn suspicion it brings into things.
When in the place where I live I get so suspicious of everybody, what I mean is people in the estate noises that have no control over and its worse when I get outside get critical of people of their behaviour and their actions and therefore I feel they are being critical of me its a very vicious circle.
What I really want is ways to overcome this, wish there was a way to switch this critical behaviour that I pursue in out and away.
Its worse when I m with my girlfriend outside of the flat, feel so pressured and hazzled, like an observer always there, watching tormenting.
When go running its the same its very frustrating, if see someone running the other way will bolt the other way or freeze, and find somewhere to hide.
Its clear that I have social anxiety, and I dont take drugs other then anti depressants and beta blockers, used to smoke weed like 8 years ago, and ectasy once, and boozed alot but now all do is smoke backy and have about 2 units a month, go weeks now without a drink, but this sort of behaviour occured stronger the day after drinking the night before, so it is to be expected that two three years of hard drinking that have these issues.
However stopped drinking, things are not as overpowering as when recovered from nights drinking but certainly its hard shut the paranoia and that feeling of being controlled out completely.