View Full Version : my eyes!!!!

22-09-05, 15:25
something realy strange just happened to me and realy is still happening to me. i was just walking outside going to pick my son up from nursery whe all of a sudden out of know where my eyes just felt realy weird like they were tight at the back and were going to roll into back of my head, then once i thought it was the sunlight and out my shades on i got blurred vision then double vision. and now my eyes seem like they cant focus on one thing like they are jittery or something(im not sure if im making sense here). just wondering if this is panic attack/anxiety related or is something realy wrong with me and if anyo else has had the same thing happen to them. please let me know!! thank you xxxx.


Sue K with 5
22-09-05, 15:33
Hi Denise!

Dont panic! Blurred and double vision are a classic symptom of Panic and anxiety! I have suffered with this for years, first my head feels funny and then the vision is badly effected, I have had symptoms where I have had the blurred vision and the skipped heart beats and it is ****** scary, but it does pass and it is not serious, or health related it is just a symptom.

Have you been very busy today and rushed around, because sometimes anxiety can come of so quickly without realizing, so please sit down, take deep breaths and close you eyes for a while and the feelings will pass and your vision will return to normal.

Just make sure you can chill out for a while and try to focus on something positive for yourself! and stay off the PC for a while because that does not always help.

Migh also be worth you making an appointment with the opticians just for a check up! could be your age mate ! lol

Take care

Love sue with 5


22-09-05, 15:41
lol my age?? im only 21 you cheeky so and so. yeah i might make an appointment anyway, im just so paranoifd about my eyes, my worst fear is going blind or deaf im not realy sure why i get so paranoid to be honest about it. but thanx for the reply anyway.x.


22-09-05, 16:59
Visual Disturbances (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2128)
eye trouble with a difference (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3069)
I am so glad I found this forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3513)
sparks in your vision (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2364)
Difficulty focusing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4083)
white flashes im scared (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4816)
Vision (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5408)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-08-08, 16:04
Ive got this right now..went to the doctors this morning about the hole panic/anxiety thing not having a clue what was goin on with me,he told me what he thought now all day ive felt awful i think reading all the symptoms on here made me a bit paniky but this is my main concern my eyes are really blurry and i cant focus properly one 1 thing its such a strange feeling and its horrible,but its always good to know that its not just yourself going through with it,also my chest is really quite tight at the mo although it is not actually a panic attack itsself im assuming this is what they mean by anxiety..worrying that your gonna have a panic attack ??
but its really hard to explain to someone else.
Anyone else agree with me ? lol

29-09-08, 15:01
Hi ppl,
This symptom has really got me down over the past two years (altho I hate all the symptoms lol) When my anxiety was at its worst over a year ago, I totally lost my sight for periods of time throughout the day I'd be reading and suddenly my eyes would go blurry and as if they were bouncing, no focus at all. I was frightened to death convinced I had gone blind, I started seeing a counsilor as I ended up havin a breakdown and the vision thing came up, she said my brain was overloaded with stress so my eyes were shutting down a while to protect my brain from receiving anymore information! basically I needed to rest, because my anxiety had spiralled out of control. couple years down the line my eyesight is a lot better, for a 23 year old its not its best anymore, I am left with floaters, that drive me mad! but my sight has got better as I ave got better, these things are all connected to anxiety, the better you feel the better the eyesight will become. So dont worry too much, relax and stay positive. xx

29-09-08, 17:15
a few months back, when I was at work, my eyes started to go funny.

My vision became blurred and when I looked at my computer screen, I could only focus on the word that was in my direct line of vison. then I started to see colour patterns, then it became so blurred and colourful, like interference in my left eye, I couldn't really see out of it. TOTALLY freaked me out, thought I was going blind.

I went to the optician a week later and was told I have 20/20 vision. what I had desribed to her was in fact a migraine (with what they call aura). Vey scary at the time, but if it happens again, I will know what it is.