View Full Version : Dark/ black specs through stool

21-07-09, 16:49
Ive noticed over the past few weeks whilst going to the loo , when i wipe on the toilet paper there are what look likes really dark spots/dots amongst my stool. Now ive no other symptoms like weight loss, loss of appetite , pain , nausea,bleeding etc but this has got me thinking could it be blood. I did have really loose stools bordering on diarea this morning but am only going in the morning once or twice which is normal for me, and im not constipated. I just get really scared as my mum had bowel cancer. Im really trying not to google , i see my doctor next monday as he's on holiday just now but i have been worrying about this a lot, he wouldnt give me a test the last time i asked as he thought i was too young at 37 but now im not too sure with this latest developement, please help , im so scared xxx

21-07-09, 16:54
Ive noticed over the past few weeks whilst going to the loo , when i wipe on the toilet paper there are what look likes really dark spots/dots amongst my stool. Now ive no other symptoms like weight loss, loss of appetite , pain , nausea,bleeding etc but this has got me thinking could it be blood. I did have really loose stools bordering on diarea this morning but am only going in the morning once or twice which is normal for me, and im not constipated. I just get really scared as my mum had bowel cancer. Im really trying not to google , i see my doctor next monday as he's on holiday just now but i have been worrying about this a lot, he wouldnt give me a test the last time i asked as he thought i was too young at 37 but now im not too sure with this latest developement, please help , im so scared xxx

Hi Kittykat

I get this with ibs, its something to do with reduced blood flow to your digestive organs due to stress, did you have any wind as well or tummy pain?


21-07-09, 16:58
hi lisa,

did have a bit of a rumbly tummy before going to the loo, and i do get bout of wind , but i had no tummy pain x

21-07-09, 17:22
this seems very similar to my problem, and i'm a 25 year old male.

i think that if it was bowel problems it would more likely to be red blood in stool as it is lower down in the gastrointestinal.

ive been googling it and its not helped to be honest.

surely we are both too young for anything like this to happen to us?

21-07-09, 19:57
hi jim,

i hope we both are too young but saying that to myself to be honest still doesnt take away my fear. ive not googled as i know if i do i will just go into pure panic mode, hopefully there is some simple explanation i just am worried when i see the dark specs, as i know black is bad x oh and dont google anymore as you will make yourself a 1000 times worse tempting though isn't it x

21-07-09, 21:04
i get this, too and nothing has been flagged up - it's just a byproduct of particular food digesting I think. however, you are right to be concerned if your Mum had it - i'm surprised the doctor was so dismissive. I do know my other friend who had bowel cancer at your age had very obvious bleeding from the bottom, and was also absolutely shattered - she couldn't do the hoovering without having a sleep. She had anaemia from the bleeding, shown up in a routine blood test. Apparently, blood in the bowel also gives you bad diarrohoea, like really bad, according to my doctor. Hope this reassures you - i'm sure it is nothing sinister.

21-07-09, 21:21
that reassures me a little as i dont feel out of energy, i can still play football 5 times a week.

21-07-09, 23:04
Yeah - that doesn't sound like someone at the door of cancer death to me! don't mean to be flippant - sometimes we have to see the funny side, though!

21-07-09, 23:36
no not at all, i understand just cant seem to put things into perspective.

if i see what i think is a dark stool i am currently worrying myself to death, its effecting everything.

21-07-09, 23:37
Hello, are the spots like on the stool, like in it? Iv had this a few times, iv done 2 blood stool tests and its not alone I don't think. I got told that if its blood it will either be bright red, or the whole stool will be black and silty like coffee grains in water, hope this helps xxxxx

21-07-09, 23:38
i am seeing that this stool thing is more of a common problem than i thought for health anxiety sufferers.

i thought it would be rare

21-07-09, 23:41
Hello, are the spots like on the stool, like in it? Iv had this a few times, iv done 2 blood stool tests and its not alone I don't think. I got told that if its blood it will either be bright red, or the whole stool will be black and silty like coffee grains in water, hope this helps xxxxx

i dont know about the original poster but ive just found darker bits, definatly not a full black stool.

would a bleeding black stool make the water turn colour too?

21-07-09, 23:47
If there is red fresh blood then it is piles or a fissure.

We all get dark stools at times but if they are black then you need checking out.

agent orange
22-07-09, 07:26
Anything thay you feel is sinister like that, then I would go to the doctors, to be on the safe side. If it is red blood or fresh blood, then it is usually a tear from straining or piles, I have piles because i have I.B.S. Weight loss is not usually a sign of I.B.S. Darkness in the stool could be food that you have ingested or could be blood from bleeding further up in the bowel. If you are concerned see your G.P.

22-07-09, 20:45
I originally posted bout this, my stool isn't black just has darker specs through it, I have been really stressed at the moment , and my stoolhas been really soft, could stress be causing this. I see my doctor on Monday so will ask him then and will let you know what is said , but the soft stools and the specs are stressing me out alot and I am feeling tired but again don't know if it's just the worrying.

27-07-09, 09:46
Okay just back from seeing the doctor and i have to put in a stool sample. Not feeling that reassured as he said it could be blood or a possibility of the bowel working too quickly, just with my mum having it i dont think its looking tht good for me i', really scared . How long do the results usually take to come back when you put them in?

27-07-09, 13:11
Okay just back from seeing the doctor and i have to put in a stool sample. Not feeling that reassured as he said it could be blood or a possibility of the bowel working too quickly, just with my mum having it i dont think its looking tht good for me i', really scared . How long do the results usually take to come back when you put them in?

Hey Kitty kat

Its not not looking good at all!! Promise that is just the way you are feeling!

What exactly did the dr say? Bowel working too quickly seems most likely doesnt it? I think your doc is more than likely reposnding to your anxiety than symptoms. By handing ina stool sample what would they do with that? Its not a test for cancer is it? And is he or she doing blood tests? Sounds like if not they arent thinking anything bad at all!!

Please dont worry . I get this darker specks thing to and yesterday it was almost stripey! It comes and goes and never happens without lots of wind..... from what yousaid earlier about wind you sound exactly the same, really, IBS or 'bowel moving to quickly' same thing sweetie

Your okay


28-07-09, 09:40
I know im going on a bit about this but im just worried at the moment, i went to the loo this morning and took the samples, it was quite loose but i have been worrying a lot, anxiety is always bad first thing. I had tomato and basil soup last night round about 7.30 ish and this morning at 7.30 my poo was reddish would this suggest tht my digestive system is working fast just now. I did have a bit wind as well. Has anyone has symptoms like mine and had tests and theyve been okay or been diagnosed with bowel cancer and come through it fine. Im just so worried with everything at the moment. And thanks guys for all the replies xx

28-07-09, 11:31

if your Mum had bowel cancer, you should be tested via colonoscopy ten years before you are the age as your mum was at her diagnosis. (So if she was 50 at diagnosis, you should have a colonoscopy at 40.)
Your doctor should know that and should not be dismissive.

Blood in stool usually doesn't look like dark spots, it either looks black and tarry, or bright red. Dark spots are usually undigested bits of food, I have them all the time when I am anxious and food just rushes through my bowel. :blush:


04-08-09, 10:30
Well got my results back from the doctor and they were negative, no blood in stool, now i am happy dont get me wrong but he didn't give me any explanation for my symptoms. I was at the loo 3 times this morning......but what is causing the soft stools? Should i ask for a colonoscopy just in case something didnt show up in the stool sample or do you think its ibs /anxiety related and should just accept it as being that although my doctor didn't say......sigh xx

04-08-09, 14:43
its good news.

the rest will be the stress doing it to you, like it makes me go the toilet alot, as soon as i calmed myself down, my stools are normal and i dont need the toilet as often.

because if your anything like me, you will be focusing and worrying all day about your bowels which in turn will make u want to keep going to the toilet.