View Full Version : New Guy Hi all!

21-07-09, 20:10
Hi people!
Just joined yesterday whilst doing a search for citalopram withdrawal I came accross this place then spent 3 hours reading! Some of the posts were incredible and exactly what im going through so instantly fealt a lot better just knowing i aint alone!:yesyes:
Ive had super anxiety ( which lead to depresion) for years, about fifteen actually and ive been on every med you can name but finally settled on citalopram which worked at the time. Got clean from the stuff about four years back but about seven months ago I got hit again with avengance so had (much to my anoyance) to go back on the stuff.
Anyway to cut a long story short I stopped citalopram 8 days ago cold turkey and its been very unpleasant to say the least but after what i read yesterday am staying off them and ill keep coming here just to keep me going when it gets unbearable which at the mo is at variuos times in the day!
Anyway hi all. Another guy joins the long list of people who arent understood!

21-07-09, 20:16
Hi paul,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

21-07-09, 20:25
Thanx Di!:yesyes:

21-07-09, 20:27
hi paul, I just joined too.

21-07-09, 20:35
Hi sarah...
Just trying to work out how all this works! Thanx for saying hi! two newbies but i liked what i read yesterday and it can only help some really decent people on here and its good to know others are in the same boat:D

21-07-09, 20:55
Hi Paul & :welcome:

Glad you've found this site as I'm sure you'll find the people on here very friendly and supportive.
Best wishes,

P.S. I think you're very brave going "cold turkey" !

21-07-09, 21:01
Cheers Louise!
Brave or foolish! Time will tell!

21-07-09, 21:22
Lol ! :D

21-07-09, 21:27
See were laughing already! LOL

21-07-09, 21:32

just to let you know for the bach rescue remedy, we have our own shop here where you can buy it, save you the journey of going to boots.

di xx

21-07-09, 21:35
Yes we are! Don't know what I would do without this site as I suffer really badly with anxiety/depression and coming on here helps to take my mind off things, and also finding I'm not alone with this, as it's a very debilitating and isolating illness.

21-07-09, 22:26
Thanx for that Di...Does it work though...I never heard of it till tonight?

21-07-09, 22:33
It works for alot of people paul,

does for me, and has helped me out of difficult panic situations, but that is only my opinion, it is sold very cheap here so i just thought i would let you know.

di xx

21-07-09, 23:04
Thanx a lot Diane. Have just been reading up on the remedies section. Am going shopping tomorrow! x

Lion King
21-07-09, 23:07
Welcome Paul,

Its a really good site, alot of posts are so helpful, its just nice to know that you are not on your own throughout the bad times!

Keep Brave!


21-07-09, 23:24
Cheers mate!

22-07-09, 14:24
Hi Paul,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


22-07-09, 14:35
Thanx Laura :yesyes:

22-07-09, 15:59
Hiya, me too :D Just spotted the site when googling 'coming off citalopram' and found loads of great info!

Dunno about you but Im really struggling to type with these side affects! Soooo dizzy and faint :/

22-07-09, 16:51
Hiya slinky!
Give it a few more days it is getting better! Just been asda! Came home with vit B6, a B6 complex, omega oil and magnesium! At least am trying though it did take a lot just to go round asda which i did rather quickly! LOL

22-07-09, 18:47
Hi paul, you will be understood here so dont worry, think you will find a lot of useful advice and be assured there are others in same situation, welcome aboard!

22-07-09, 18:54
Hey thanx Alexis...Already been great here loads of interesting stuff! x