View Full Version : yellow eyes?

21-07-09, 21:01
this is going to sound really stupid i know but I was looking at my husband today and noticed that his eyes seem a little yellowish? especially around the edges of the white of his eyeballs?.
he is healthy other than depression and the only medication he takes is citalopram which he only started on the end of last week.

they are not really bright yellow but there is definatley a dull yellow in them which isnt in me or the kids!

what is this - i nearly had a major panic when I looked but managed to calm down enough to carry on with the day :blush:


21-07-09, 21:03
Does he drink alcohol at all?

21-07-09, 21:09
I no neither of us drink at all (i mean 0 pints for ever lol) he has never even been drunk! I forgot to add he is 26 and slightly overwieght but not majorly - dont know if this makes a difference !

21-07-09, 21:13
Ok the only thing I could think of was liver problems as that gives you jaundice.

21-07-09, 21:15
thanks :) I dont know what it is - ididnt say anything to him because I knew he would think I was being silly i might mention it if it is still noticable tomorrow though.s

21-07-09, 21:23
Hi Sophie

Have you checked with the package his meds came in as to wich side effects they may cause?

I have heard of some meds effecting the liver so just have a wee look hun to be on the safe side.
