View Full Version : hi i am new

21-07-09, 21:49
hi i am 30 and have been told the i have had two panic attacks in the last 3 week.

the first one i ended up in AE they thourth i was have min stroke but the bloods came back ok but i had numbness for days after.

then on wed last week in was rushed in again with a racing heart and cold and clamey but at the time they was treating me for swine flu, and because i have over active thyriod and kidneys problems the took me in to hospital. after a few hour my heart rate settled down, but when i got home i feelit come on again.

the they said it my anxiety and that was the frist time i looked it up and found i had a lots of the simpytom.

what i have found that i have numbness in my head and neak and the feeling of my head going to pop and some of things i have read this is normal.

can i just say can you have a panic attacks without panic because the doc did say i didnt look like i was pinicing but when i got home i was runing in my head it just come on so fast i was able to contol that one. i am new to this all so any thing You can tell me to help me out would be great.

ps i have OCD as well thanks

21-07-09, 22:20
Hi Lindsay,
The answer to your question is basically yes. Ive had them on and off for 15 years and often they have come completely out of the blue and in a normal situation and to be honest they are the most frightening. Also have often been having an attack and not a sole around me was aware of it cause on the outside i look fine. I only joined today and hopefully there are answers out there...Good luck honey from the things ive read so far on here it loks promising...x

21-07-09, 22:27
Hi lindsay,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Check out the forum on the left hand side, you will get alot of help there and we have our own nmp shop, where you can buy bach rescue remedy, which is a great help for panic attacks.

best wishes

di xx

21-07-09, 23:01
Hello Lindsay,
I'm new as well. I have been fighting my anxiety for 12 years. I thought it went away and for the last 6 months, it is back with revenge. I lost all my energy and now I'm finding that I excessively worring. However, since I found this website, I feel somewhat at ease due to others feeling the same way. I thought that I was the only one suffering from this. Anyways, Welcome and remember to take it day by day!

22-07-09, 12:33
Hiya lindsay welcome to nmp , youll meet new friends and be able to chat to people about there experiences with panic attacks and anxiety . I have found it really helpful and so will you take care kev xx

22-07-09, 14:05
Hi, Im new too! Hope to see you around.


22-07-09, 14:32
Hi Lindsay,

Welcome to NMP. I'm sure you were very scared but many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


22-07-09, 19:08
Hi and welcome to the forum, I was once taken to hospital as I was convinced I was having a heart attack, following all the tests I was informed it was anxiety,I hope you are enjoying the forum and finding your way around OK, take care.xxx